Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Quotes of the day

"We are in the significant business of collecting treasures for eternity. What we do and say for Christ in this world, no matter how insignificant it seems, will last forever."

"Walking by faith is simply choosing to believe what God says is true and to live accordingly by the power of the Holy Spirit."

Monday, January 28, 2008

Reminder of the day

"Disappointments - His appointment,"
Change one letter, then I see
That the thwarting of my purpose
Is God's better choice for me.
His appointment must be blessing,
Tho it may come in disguise,
For the end from the beginning
Open to His wisdom lies.

"Disappointments - His appointment,"
No good will He withhold,
From denials oft we gather
Treasures of love untold.
Well He knows each broken purpose
Leads to fuller, deeper trust,
And the end of all His dealings
Proves our God is wise and just.

"Disappointments - His appointment,"
Lord, I take it, then, as such,
Like clay in the hands of a potter,
Yielding wholly to Thy touch.
My life's plan is Thy moulding;
Not one single choice be mine;
Let me answer, unrepining -
"Father, not my will, but Thine."

Thursday, January 24, 2008

A reminder from the past..

The moon and the stars are just so... beautiful

T h a n k y o u G o d . :))

Quotes from my brain this week

"The whole world decided to gatecrash my train-ride back home today."

"True art is revolutionary. True artists are not revolutionists - they entertain."

"Wah. Uncle, you need a shower."

"I want.. ice-cream, ice-cream, ice-cream, ice-cream, ice-cream, ice-cre.."


"How much faith you have is dependent on how well you know the Object of your faith."

Saturday, January 05, 2008


Joey Lau's grandma is currently unconscious in hospital. Please pray for her and the family.

And this song has been ringing in my head.

You Are My Strength

You are my strength
Strength like no other
Strength like no other
Reaches to me
You are my hope
Hope like no other
Hope like no other
Reaches to me

In the fullness of your grace
In the power of your name
You lift me up
You lift me up

Unfailing love
Stronger than mountains
Deeper than oceans
Reaches to me

Your love oh lord
Em C G D Em
Reaches to the heavens
Your faithfulness
Em C G D
Reaches to the sky


Year 2002..

Secell 2002 Christmas.

Secell 2002 Tsidkenu game - Silly Monkey

Youth Camp 2002 - Mr Lonely.

Year 2003

I really miss them.

My impromptu 21st birthday celebration at Chancery.

Secell 2003 - Prata supper. Still lovin it.

Secell 2003 - Night Safari

Year 2004

Secell 2004 - SCC

Secell 2004 - Bible Camp

SeTT 2004 - Night Cycling

Me 2004 - New Zealand with Philip

Year 2005

2005 - Bible Camp

Youth Camp 2005 - To me, the best.

Secell 2005 - Chinese New Year

Secell 2005 - Sentosa fun

Sydney 2005 - Hillsong Church

Year 2006

Secell 2006 - Yishun Swamp

Church 2006 - Church moves

Youth 2006 - Joy Praise Team Korea

Youth Camp 2006 - Me talking

Secell 2006 - Christmas

Me 2006 - Up Mt. Kinabalu

Phuket/Krabi 2006 - 4WD sunset

Year 2007

Me 2007 - Diya contingent

Me 2007 - SCC declared success

Year 2008

Youth 2008 - Year End Party 2007

I am feeling, the older I get, the less significant I am.
For some reason, how I wish I could just turn back the clock. :)