Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Of durians and stomachaches

*daniel pauses his activity*

brief soliloquy begins

"It just makes me wonder how durian has strange magical powers over me. That despite risking aggravating an already disatisfied stomach, my hands are mysteriously compelled to opening one half of that rich creamy orange durian shortly before popping a few mouthfuls in. :D

For crying out loud, for the love of durian lovers, can someone please shed some light on the benefits of eating durians so durian lovers around the world can enjoy durians after durians without bearing the guilt of their compulsion? Tsk tsk.. Where have all the durian intellects of the world gone? :)"

end of brief soliloquy

*goes back to eating a rich creamy orange durian*


diya said...


DaN said...

Ya. The kind that kills. >_<