Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Bi-Annual Blog Review
After reading through a couple of blogs recently, I've come to the conclusion that my blog needs to be reviewed. At this juncture, I can't conclude whether my blog is boring or if it's the contributor himself that's boring - yes, that'll be yours truly.
My life not very happening u know? But as the title says, it's never a bore!
Lack of pics I think. But it's hard to contribute anything with my daily hours working and weekends taken up by church. Hmm.. would working til 11pm last night, or having to work this coming sat sound exciting? Haha.. Oh boy. Sigh.
Maybe I'll blog from office this coming Sat. :)
My life not very happening u know? But as the title says, it's never a bore!
Lack of pics I think. But it's hard to contribute anything with my daily hours working and weekends taken up by church. Hmm.. would working til 11pm last night, or having to work this coming sat sound exciting? Haha.. Oh boy. Sigh.
Maybe I'll blog from office this coming Sat. :)
Sunday, April 16, 2006
It's that day again.
Today I watched 2 of my youths got baptised. It's that day again.
The day the One who had no sin, became sin for us, and rose in triumph.
The day the anthems of those in Him would become a song of victory ages long.
The day destined to be called a day of freedom, remembered as the genesis of hope.
It's more than a holiday, it's more than a bunny and eggs. It's my Savior's day.
One life I live, this life I give.
There's no justice with mere words.
But still, with all my heart
Really, really, thank You.
The day the One who had no sin, became sin for us, and rose in triumph.
The day the anthems of those in Him would become a song of victory ages long.
The day destined to be called a day of freedom, remembered as the genesis of hope.
It's more than a holiday, it's more than a bunny and eggs. It's my Savior's day.
One life I live, this life I give.
There's no justice with mere words.
But still, with all my heart
Really, really, thank You.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
despite all that
Today.. was the lowest attendance for Secell ever.
Today.. was my most erroneous worship over the year.
Today.. was a real long and tedious physical battle with flu.
Today.. was a most tiring saturday, I was trembling with exhaustion.
Despite all that, it's been one of my best days in church. Cos these minor setbacks don't really matter, I'm all fired up for Jesus! If I fart, I'll probably blow a hole in my pants. I've been feeling an all-consuming passion of late, and it's a passion for Jesus! God speaks my dearest dudes and dudettes, and it's true. When I carry this all consuming passion with me, this truth just becomes all the more evident. It's just one of those times you feel you're basking in God's presence and nothing else matters anymore. You know what? Despite serving in church all these years, I remember once more.. it's all just between me and my God. Sweet.
I feel like I've been brought back to the day I made my first real prayer, to receive Christ in my heart. Come join me in this passion. It's radically spectacular! *two thumbs up*
Today Today, it's all or nothing.
Today Today, I live for one thing.
All I am is Yours, All I'm living for is all You are.
Today.. was my most erroneous worship over the year.
Today.. was a real long and tedious physical battle with flu.
Today.. was a most tiring saturday, I was trembling with exhaustion.
Despite all that, it's been one of my best days in church. Cos these minor setbacks don't really matter, I'm all fired up for Jesus! If I fart, I'll probably blow a hole in my pants. I've been feeling an all-consuming passion of late, and it's a passion for Jesus! God speaks my dearest dudes and dudettes, and it's true. When I carry this all consuming passion with me, this truth just becomes all the more evident. It's just one of those times you feel you're basking in God's presence and nothing else matters anymore. You know what? Despite serving in church all these years, I remember once more.. it's all just between me and my God. Sweet.
I feel like I've been brought back to the day I made my first real prayer, to receive Christ in my heart. Come join me in this passion. It's radically spectacular! *two thumbs up*
Today Today, it's all or nothing.
Today Today, I live for one thing.
All I am is Yours, All I'm living for is all You are.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Who's your type?
Got this dumb dumb test through Isaac. Very true though. Scary!
Your type is the Glamourina
Looking for a girl you can spoil? Buy a fab new suit and go for the Glamourina — she'll appreciate every chivalrous gesture and expensive bling you shower upon her. She adores gourmet dinners and prefers to have a first-class lifestyle. Okay, so perhaps she can be high-maintenance at times, but just being around her will make you feel like the world revolves around you. Witty and sophisticated, she always lights up a room. Count on her to know the hottest spots to eat, drink, and be merry - and of course, you'll never have to wait in a queue to get in. She's knows "everyone". Her refined manner, polished appearance, and classy style keep you coming back for more. Your princess will be the envy of all your mates. With her on your arm, you'll see Prince Charming grinning back at you every time you look in the mirror.
Your type is the Glamourina
Looking for a girl you can spoil? Buy a fab new suit and go for the Glamourina — she'll appreciate every chivalrous gesture and expensive bling you shower upon her. She adores gourmet dinners and prefers to have a first-class lifestyle. Okay, so perhaps she can be high-maintenance at times, but just being around her will make you feel like the world revolves around you. Witty and sophisticated, she always lights up a room. Count on her to know the hottest spots to eat, drink, and be merry - and of course, you'll never have to wait in a queue to get in. She's knows "everyone". Her refined manner, polished appearance, and classy style keep you coming back for more. Your princess will be the envy of all your mates. With her on your arm, you'll see Prince Charming grinning back at you every time you look in the mirror.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
The Time Has Come

I went shopping yesterday and I gotten my week's worth of shopping done! Very happy. Now just waiting for some Raoul shirts incoming. Here's my haul from yesterday:
- 6x Energizer AAA sized batteries (wow!)
- 1x Chilli Jalapena flavoured pringles
- 1x Nacho Cheese flavoured pringles
- 1x Ultra sour lemon warhead sweets
- 1x Alpine fresh Richola
- 1x Life size double-edged Darth Maul lightsaber (weeee..)
- 2x Hillsong United - United We Stand album (CD+DVD)
That's about it. Which brings me to What Time Has Come. Started hearing the song yet? We're singing this on the coming Sat!! :)))
The Time Has Come by United Live
Found love beyond all reason
You gave your life Your all for me
And called me Yours forever
Caught in the mercy fallout
I found hope found life
Found all I need
You’re all I need
The time has come
To stand for all we believe in
So I for one am gonna
Give my praise to You
Today today it’s all or nothing
All the way
The praise goes out to You
Yeah all the praise goes out to You
Today today I live for one thing
To give You praise
In everything I do
Yeah all the praise goes out to You
All we are is Yours
And all we’re living for
Is all You are
Is all that You are Lord
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Protector of Love & Peace!!
My rant of the day.. I didn't get to cut my hair! Heatwave at Marina Square was fully booked, so I had no chance to get my haircut despite making a long trip there from home. My stupidity also lah, took for granted that there'll be availability. My last time there was when it was first opened, and I was the only person there. 7.30pm on a Fri night I think. Anyway, I then popped by at office to prepare some documents which I'll need to do on Monday. Yesh! I'm a workaholic! But only so Onz today cos I'm suppose to meet the NTU dudes for dinner and movie at 6pm, so I had an hour to spare.. bought some coffee and snacks to office while working on my files.
Anyway, I was on my way back home from Cathay Cineplex (ex-picturehouse) after movie and halfway through the ride a small girl about 7 yrs old sat next to the isle, beside me, somewhere almost to the back of the bus. All was fine until about 10min later, a shady late middle age man in denim jacket pushed his way up to her and stood next to her in the crowded bus, his head hanging suspiciously over her lap. Suddenly he reached his hand over her lap and tried to grab a box she was holding close to her thighs while muttering something (i couldnt hear as i had my earphones in my ears). I stared at him intently, my immediate thought was this clown is a child molester. For the next few mins i was look at him and trying to smell if he had alcohol smell reeking from him, but he was drinking a bottle of coke pulled out from his jacket instead. I smelt nothing. But he still hung dangerously over the girl who seemed a bit agitated. I was very very ready to punch him if he had tried anything funny.
I was about 3min from my stop, and neither the situation nor positions of us three had changed. But I was getting more worried as my stop was coming and he'll probably grab my seat next to the little girl. I was praying very hard this joker will behave himself until the girl reaches home. When my stop came, I signaled to the girl that I needed to alight and she moved her legs away for me to inch my way out. But I also noticed she left a gap infront of her to let that shady man in. She then started talking to him, looking more irritated than terrified. Ok, now I think he's her dad. And I'm guessing he had wanted her to leave the seat for him so she could sit on his lap or something at first. The lesson I wanna bring out here for everyone is.. please dun let ur dads dress shadily. And so Shady men beware.. of the Protector of Love & Peace!!
Indescribable, performed by Chris Tomlin
From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea
Creation's revealing Your majesty
From the colors of Fall to the fragrance of Spring
Every creature unique in the song that it sings, all exclaiming
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
You are amazing, God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing, God You are amazing, God
Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go
Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow
Who imagined the Sun and gives source to its light
Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night, none can fathom
2nd Chorus:
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
You are amazing, God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing, God You are amazing, God
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
You are amazing, God
Incomparable, unchangeable,
You see the depths of my heart and you love me the same
You are amazing God
Anyway, I was on my way back home from Cathay Cineplex (ex-picturehouse) after movie and halfway through the ride a small girl about 7 yrs old sat next to the isle, beside me, somewhere almost to the back of the bus. All was fine until about 10min later, a shady late middle age man in denim jacket pushed his way up to her and stood next to her in the crowded bus, his head hanging suspiciously over her lap. Suddenly he reached his hand over her lap and tried to grab a box she was holding close to her thighs while muttering something (i couldnt hear as i had my earphones in my ears). I stared at him intently, my immediate thought was this clown is a child molester. For the next few mins i was look at him and trying to smell if he had alcohol smell reeking from him, but he was drinking a bottle of coke pulled out from his jacket instead. I smelt nothing. But he still hung dangerously over the girl who seemed a bit agitated. I was very very ready to punch him if he had tried anything funny.
I was about 3min from my stop, and neither the situation nor positions of us three had changed. But I was getting more worried as my stop was coming and he'll probably grab my seat next to the little girl. I was praying very hard this joker will behave himself until the girl reaches home. When my stop came, I signaled to the girl that I needed to alight and she moved her legs away for me to inch my way out. But I also noticed she left a gap infront of her to let that shady man in. She then started talking to him, looking more irritated than terrified. Ok, now I think he's her dad. And I'm guessing he had wanted her to leave the seat for him so she could sit on his lap or something at first. The lesson I wanna bring out here for everyone is.. please dun let ur dads dress shadily. And so Shady men beware.. of the Protector of Love & Peace!!
Indescribable, performed by Chris Tomlin
From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea
Creation's revealing Your majesty
From the colors of Fall to the fragrance of Spring
Every creature unique in the song that it sings, all exclaiming
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
You are amazing, God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing, God You are amazing, God
Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go
Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow
Who imagined the Sun and gives source to its light
Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night, none can fathom
2nd Chorus:
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
You are amazing, God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing, God You are amazing, God
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
You are amazing, God
Incomparable, unchangeable,
You see the depths of my heart and you love me the same
You are amazing God
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