Friday, April 07, 2006

Who's your type?

Got this dumb dumb test through Isaac. Very true though. Scary!

Your type is the Glamourina

Looking for a girl you can spoil? Buy a fab new suit and go for the Glamourina — she'll appreciate every chivalrous gesture and expensive bling you shower upon her. She adores gourmet dinners and prefers to have a first-class lifestyle. Okay, so perhaps she can be high-maintenance at times, but just being around her will make you feel like the world revolves around you. Witty and sophisticated, she always lights up a room. Count on her to know the hottest spots to eat, drink, and be merry - and of course, you'll never have to wait in a queue to get in. She's knows "everyone". Her refined manner, polished appearance, and classy style keep you coming back for more. Your princess will be the envy of all your mates. With her on your arm, you'll see Prince Charming grinning back at you every time you look in the mirror.

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