Had a jolly good time on the SeTT night cycling trip, and will post the pictures once I manage to get my hands on them sometime. The bikes were pretty sheepish, plagued by few instances of wobby rear wheels, malfunctioning gears and broken spokes. Nevertheless, it was another fruitful trip albeit less physically challenging than previous night rounds. What impressed me most was the enthusiasm of everyone to rope in friends, and friends of friends! I sincerely hope this spirit thrives on as the following months will challenge our willingness to witness.
Had a few moments of rest on Saturday morning before I returned to Chancery for a Masterlife round up at church level. Many of the cyclists, from previous night who were so so tired, made an effort to be present as well. We had an ardous task of staying awake and responding enthusiastically throughout the 4 hour workshop. Our groups even won a memory verse speed challenge! LoL. Concluded the workshop with a sumptuous buffet and the worship team for Sunday's service resumed with an hour's worth of worship practice from 7.20-8.20pm. It was pretty fun too. But I was very much brain sapped throughout. Stayed on for the worship core meeting with a few leaders before leaving at 9.30pm.
Woke up early next morning still sluggish from the days before. Legs a little stiff. Had to rush off to church to prepare for the morning's worship for Combined Service. A couple of technical flaws but I think it should have been a pretty alright worship. Overall, it was a very meaningful service I should think. It's my last worship led at Lor Ampas. I can't wait to rock the joint at Sin Ming. Half the youths swarmed Subway in United Square after service for lunch. We practically occupied 80% of the Subway as we ate out and chatted along. Most of us continued to stay on at Toys'R'Us just for the fun of it. I was making my rounds in the departmental store when I saw a mini drum set and immediately thought of Asher. We were just commenting after the buffet from the evening before that someone should get him a drumset at home, cos that lil boy is so mad about bamming away on drumsticks with his small hands. Rounded up a couple of shareholders in Cyrus, James, Jesse, Karen & Chun Xiang. It's always good to bless others!
Purchased it and subsequently delivered it to the Tay household by myself. It was good fun fixing up the set for Asher, with Ade-lyn helping out to "control" the enthusiasm of her little brother. It wasn't long before the little dude was bamming away on his new drum set. Oh the cheeky grin on his face as he proudly displayed his beatmania skills. Well not quite, but he certainly has the flair for it as a 2 yr old. Finally got home at 8pm, and spent the rest of the night planning/documenting for Secell before sleeping again 12.30am. Zzzzzzzz...

Spoken like your true nut,
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