Someone shouted squirrel and *SNAP*!!

1 Chronicles 16:34 -
"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."
This is a good one for the memories! :)
Yes, everyone is welcomed!
"Hey.. you in there.. I can see youuuuuu.."
Happy Birthday Josiah!
Happy Birthday Jere!
Happy Birthday soon Eliz!
Happy Birthday not-so-soon Dawn!
Not much space left, as you can see
Ah we caught Jere when he's awake. Haha
Nice, almost no agne Jesse
The afternoon informal chats are priceless
Just a game man.. no need so serious
I realized this photo looks a lot like the artist's impression hor
Jason strikes a post. Nice nice!
The prelude to Nat's fall. Ouch
Unperturbed.. We upped the challenge
Check out the look on Jere's face man. Woooo
Our anonymous one-hand-stander Part I
Anonymous one-hand-stander Part II
Nice! This pic can use for modelling advert.
Tip: remove the blower and open eyes bigger! O_O
** Now for our Pics of the Week **
Clearly the winner. Can you feel the love? <3