Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Good Old Memories

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Last Thursday night, I had a chat with a couple of friends about what our future might be. It left me with a deep sadness and somewhat confused. I carried on with the confusion and prayed a lot bout it on Saturday night and wanted to speak with my youth leader about my thoughts. Through some twist of events we had to delay our meeting but before we got to meet in the end, my Senior Pastor called me into his office for a talk which dispelled my confusion and doubt.
In the end, it's all good really. And somehow this amazing God is interested enough to answer my prayers. Now I know the way to go. :)
Thanks also to Anon and Joey.

Friday, November 24, 2006
A Breakaway
Nonetheless, it's a friday after all and lest we forget weekends are suppose to be breakaways from the hassle of stressful weekdays. Whilst holiday season lingers on lip edge, a nominated bunch of slaves to education still struggle willingly for the hope of joining the majority on the starting line at race day. Naturally, of course, there are some who work harder for that few inches headstart. In work, you're paid to work your butt off but it seems in education you pay to work your butt off. It's absolutely bias and a complete misrepresentation, but just let me stand by this opinion for the moment. It's the system, no one leaves the matrix.
Food for thought.
Would you give up monetary gain for a somewhat noble ideal? What if the very nobility you had endeavoured rejects you? What then shall we imagine you be left with?
A once foolish ideal and nothing else perhaps. A foolish look frowned upon with scorn and hidden giggles.
I can't honestly say I haven't been disappointed by the way somethings have turned out. I've made some huge decisions and have had my share of sacrifices, which incidentally are not small. I may never have them back again. Stoutness of heart I need now. Please be kind.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Super Sunday VII
22 Nov, 9am-11am
24 Nov, 2pm-4pm
28 Nov, 9am-11am
30 Nov, 9am-11am
1 Dec, 2pm-4pm
Had a recce for Youth Camp 2006 campsite. Quite cool, but will keep venue facilities secret. :)

Sunday, November 12, 2006
Super Sunday VI
Ah yes, a team of youth workers from Kampong Kapor/Kolam Methodist visited us on Saturday to "exchange" pointers on how to run good ministries. Quite interesting. :)
Jon Wong (from COSB)
Sally (Victor's wife)
Victor (from CCIS)
Shufen (Janelle's Mother)
The whole group minus me
Eliza (Yr1 NUS)
Kar Keat (David's friend)
Gabriel (long way to ORD)
Dunno who they laughing at/with
David : "Eh sit down leh"
Sunday is coming to a close too. The next 3 weeks will be quite sad for me cos I'll have to cut down on my time spent lingering around in Church apart from ministry time. Exam coming!! Arghhh.. Eliz says God can do it, though I'm not really sure if I can. Haha. Any ways, it's all in God's hand (as always).
Didn't do too well serving in both worship and Secell today. Nonetheless I think God did what He wanted despite my failures. So it's all good on that end! Oh, and we visited Jason who was sick at home. That's the focus of this Sunday's pics. :)

And that's Shalom's water bottle.

Quite intense, Bollywood films. Haha

Baby Janelle!! Nice nice? :)
Monday, November 06, 2006
Super Sunday V
We had a surprise Airport attack on Saturday for Masterlife goers on Sat evening. We surprised Jere at the airport and wished him bon voyage for his 13 days in India. It was fun! And dun forget the popeye chicky too. Oh and we met Daphne and Keith too.