Thursday, January 11, 2007

Christmas Reminiscence

Here's a quick look back at the wonderful Christmas I had last year!

Old friends but still fresh faces.
It has been an indescribable blessing growing up with you all.

As Josiah puts it "Finger Puppets.. Finger.. Puppets.. Fin.. ger.. Pup.. pets"
I think this picture very sweet leh.

Algene has made up his mind and decides to take the initiative.

"1.. 2.. 3.. turn around and pose!!"

The making of the most expensive Umbrella in the world.

Spelling my name with sparklers. My handwriting not too bad ya? :)

Here's the bunch that stayed up for countdown at Lee Family's house.

Joy invited Secell for the party but I think we ended up swarming it.
Was fun though, thanks the for invite.

Yes, this brolly belongs to meee! Shooo off Mary Poppins.

Oh scandalous shot with Wei2 at Gail's house.

Erm.. the violent side of me

This is proof that no one went home empty handed

Waa Ereen!

Share Ereen!! Share!!

Ephesians 5:18
"Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit."

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