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Its very late. Time to sleep. But before I do..
Korean guys are very well received in Singapore man!!
Time for me to venture overseas.. ^^
I missed my blog's first anniversary on Sunday. Geesh.. after thinking about it over the last week, I clean forgot about it when the time came. Thinking back about it, the initial reason why I had started a blog a year ago was because.. haha nvm. But I've got a new reason now. And that's to keep myself in touch with those who do have a blog, and I mean everyone! I'm a bit busy cos of work now, but I still read blogs every weekend so don't stop updating. What's a blog if it's not read. Might as well write on toilet paper, then flush down after cleaning up. -_-"Oh ya, its that time of the year again!! It's VALENTINES DAY <3! Do I hear some yay's? I've got 3 seasons of mourning. Haha, well actually 3 days I dread most in the year. My birthday, Christmas and Valentines Day. The reason for it being so is the same, because it's a lonely season. Wahaha.. It's not that bad actually, cos singlehood is a blessing in it's own right. It just plain jane torments a person to go through those days when they're crazy about someone else (who won't spend that day with 'em). Christmas last year wasn't a dream come true, but it was so packed that I had no time to brood or breathe. This year's Valentines was like any other day, but I'm feeling quite pleased actually. Haha. Though no flowers.. :(I remember what Uncle Kim Song said on 29th Jan (Sunday). He was talking about his kids getting angpao and the lessons he would teach them. One of the things he said was sometimes he would purposely withold something from his kids, until a time when they no longer feel a consuming desire for it, then he would let them have it. It was a big bang in my head going "Eureka!" about the pressure of getting attached. It's very paradoxical, cos the best time to give someone something is when they no longer feel binding need for it. It is NOT a contradiction however, to pray for God's best, when knowing the answer in reply is oft to wait. That I do, with deep conviction, but I tend to move ahead of myself sometimes. Haha, dumbo.Dun mind me thinking aloud here. I was just thinking about what Karen was teaching on Saturday, about the 5 Love Languages. Heard of them? Basically each of us have one or two preferred ways of SHOWING and RECEIVING love. Conveniently categorised for us are 1) Words of affirmation 2) Quality time 3) Giving/Receiving gifts 4) Acts of service 5) Physical touch. I scored 7,9,2,6,6 (higher better).. and it's true, my favourite way of showing/receiving love is just by spending time with a loved one. Thinking about what I've learnt about myself through the years.. Nothing quite a pleasure as driving someone I love back home or around the island, anytime. Nothing quite like spending a night cycling behind someone that means a lot to me, watching her back (in all meanings of the phrase). Nothing beats coming home thinking about what time of the night I should make that call to catch up with a "how was your day?". Nothing like taking a major detour to send someone special back home safely, no matter how late it has gotten. Maybe someday my suspicion of my gift of celibacy will be proven wrong, when someone would say "Nothing quite like.." for me. For now, it doesn't really matter. Some people spend their lives making mistakes before they finally learn about themselves and what's really good. I can't thank God enough for often putting me on a spiritual highway, when I don't even have a chance to stop the car to take a leak. Maybe someday I'll finally get to take a stopever, but for now.. I'm still a winner! Haha.. Once again, happy Valentines Day all! V (^_^) V
A lot of multimedia for my visitors. So much to update, after I've finally gotten my hands on pics and other stuff. But no time to put everything up in an orderly manner, cos I'm aiming to sleep early tonight for a busy week ahead! *EDIT: I'm quite peeved now as I've just wasted 1 hour of putting everything up, only to have an error message and my post robbed*
I'm only showing some on the blog, so go to my Photo Album on the right for the full collection ahead! Please click thumbnails for pics k? Wont regret the load time, I've chosen only the best from 400 pics updated today! (Youth Camp 2005, Secell RA Day 2006, Family CNY, Secell Pioneers Reunion Dinner, Joy Praise Team - Korea)
First up! Secell Recognition and Appreciation Day 2006!

1st pic: Everybody in! Think I look a bit weird here.
2nd pic: WAAA!! -_-"
3rd pic: All the girlies in please..

4th pic: All the hunks in now..
5th pic: Tsidkenu. Where are you Shalom?! *tsk tsk*
6th pic: 2006 Secell Graduates. ~Wave~Secondly, snippets from my family CNY visits. First day of CNY at my 2 grannies places.

1st pic: My paternal granny! Err.. and maid
2nd pic: My 2 notty cousins - Isaiah and Jeremiah. Next one will be called Lamentations. HahaThirdly, Secell Pioneer Reunion Photos! What a great evening it was. No regrets trying to get everyone together, and thanks for taking the time everyone! :)

1st pic: (From left) David, Irena, Jesse, Esther, Kevin, Karen, James, Yilin, Jason, Jon and me
2nd pic: Desserts at Swenson! Good food makes us grow up faster. Sigh..Last but not least, our Korea brothers and sisters from erm.. KOREA!! Sorry, no Sam Soon or Jeon Ji-Hyun. But I would rather have JOY PRAISE TEAM!! Weeeehoooo.. What a great Sat night service it was. I think we really rocked Novena downside up man. Oh ya, our Korean counterparts would have more photos. I'll post the updates once i get my hands on them, they're flying back on Tues. Wondering how I know? Cos James told me. Dun think too much ah >_<

1st pic: Introducing.. Roy, Joy Praise Team leader!
2nd pic: Raine-lookalike. My apologies, didnt get his name
3rd pic: Jeremiah, ambassador aka Mayday lead singer

4th pic: Unstoppable joy!! Genuine stuff, cannot bluff
5th pic: Oh man, I love to worship with Koreans
6th pic: Their very cute pastor, with a very timely watery message

7th pic: Pink strewn all over the place. One family transcending language and geography
8th pic: Very graceful and professional! Two thumbs up!!
9th pic: Karis.. hearthrob sound engineer, photographer and dancer.

10th pic: Flute performance. They were really worshipping, play until cry know?
11th pic: Finale dance. Led by the hearthrob. Haha.. Very nice!
12th pic: Altogether now.. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10!! I think they have nicer versions of this pic.
13th pic: Joy's fanclub.. the Korean office
14th pic: Karis is a real hit with Singaporean girls
15th pic: and erm.. also the men?!I used my MP3 player to record their songs down. Unfortunately, as the laws of physics restricts the maximum amplitude of sound on a small diaphragm like my MP3 player, the quality isn't too good. So bear with it, as the bang bangs are really loud. But the flute performances were pretty okie, worth a second hearing, even if you've heard them once! :)
Joy Praise Team - Better than lifeJoy Praise Team - King of MajestyJoy Praise Team - My life is in YouJoy Praise Team - Celebrate JesusJoy Praise Team - My peace I give unto youJoy Praise Team - Flute PerformanceJoy Praise Team - Flute Performance 2Joy Praise Team - One wayJoy Praise Team - EverydayJoy Praise Team - You are good (encore)Enjoy! Have a great week ahead folks, and dun forget to take a look into the albums if you haven't..
Just came back from a reunion dinner cum get together with old pals, Secell Pioneer Batch. Secell history started when I was 12 years old. Together with Jon Wong, James, Jesse, Yilin, Esther and Karen, we were taught by David, Jason and Huiting. Anyway, everyone turned up today and it was GREAT!! Oh, I just realized the "teachers" to cell members ratio was super high, maybe that's why it was so effective back then? Together with Kevin who entered Secell slightly later than us, we met up for a Reunion Dinner tonight @ Taste of Thailand!! It was a blaaaaaaaaaaaaast laaaaa.. Most of us were friends since 7 years old, so we've very much known each other for more than 70% of our lives. It was fun just talking about old times, about how Secell was like 11 years ago. And unwittingly, we'll always talk about what the future for each other might be like. A fitting topic, since most of us are at cross roads in our lives, and Esther is gonna get married soon.It's funny how everything and nothing changes. We're still the good ol' friends from yester years, though we've all changed so much from 11 years ago. But I guess it's the indescribable bonds weaved through the threads of time, knotted amongst countless precious memories that never loosens. It's been a special night to me for many reasons, cos I'm a sentimental guy! I remember things that mean a lot to me, special days, special numbers, special happenings, and special people. And among these precious friends, are many shared memories I'll never ever exchange for the world. Lest we forget, a high ho hum cheers.. Forever Friends!
Another day of work, with 3 days worth of emails awaiting me. That's what happens when holidays happen in Singapore, but people in Seoul, London and Japan either have shorter or no holidays. And all that work piled up just for a measly little intern like me, imagine the old timers who are project managers, or worse still, my Vice President aka Line Manager. I can see his screen clearly enough to make out which emails in his inbox are read, and which haven't. He can NEVER EVER clear his inbox fast enough to have all bolded mails (unread) covered. For him, they just keep coming! I guess his pay more than makes up for the stress. Hehe, anyway he's nice enough to give me an Ang Pao today. And he's an Aussie, fresh in Singapore since Dec last yr! ^^I returned from lunch today at the foodcourt in Marina Square, then proceeded back to the office to sit on my chair. Hmm.. I think my pants might have tightened by 1/2 an inch around the waist, not too sure. HORROR OF HORRORS!!! I seriously doubt it shrunk, that means.. I might have expanded from the CNY goodies (or the lack of it). At about 2pm, I made up my mind. I am going to buy a new running shoe and go jogging today!And so it was, quite excited after work. Went to Royal Sporting House (i know its not the best place to get shoes, but no time to go better places la), and checked out the usual brands - Naiki, Rebook, No Balance, Addidas and Pumar. All were either 10-15% discount, cool. Unfortunately, my budget was $60-80, and was just aiming to get a decent shoe to wear out. I wear out my shoes VERY VERY fast, dunno why too. My shoes get sole-less real quick.. weird. I tried out some Nike and Reebok shoes about $129 before discount, then the sales lady asked,"Do you run often?" To which I replied,"Err.. Soon.. ya." After which she immediately declared,"Then get Asics!"I'm quite a shoe nut, unlike Zack. And like Pastor Mark, who is a one-shoe-at-a-time person, except I'm one-TYPE-of-shoe-at-a-time. So my experiences with running shoes, in particular, are quite pathetic. Later I found out that Asics were quite top of the line, confirmed by Zack the pro, except they cost $200 plus on the average. Ah well, I gave the shoes a look anyway and if they weren't durable or light, I might have bought them for the design anyway! Haha.. Okie, so no surprises. I dropped a bomb on myself by buying a pair of Asics GEL DS Trainer XI - the latests and one of the lightest. The nice filippino sales lady said she'll see me back there at least 3 years later, but knowing myself.. cut that down to 2 years perhaps? Splash the cash on a (hopefully) durable shoe which can last me long long, and most importantly.. MAKE MYSELF RUN!! Wahahahahaha.. I ran/jog 3.8km upslope downslope btw. Almost killed myself, cos I pia the first half like a super hero. That's what I deserve for not running since Nov. My target weight? 65kg! *hiak hiak hiak*
Designed especially for the elite or performance orientated runner who seeks the ultimate in lightweight shoes for faster paced training. They incorporate special weight reducing technical features such as DuoSole, the Trusstic system and minimal reinforcement materials for lightweight support and greater flexibility.
Upper: Synthetic leather, air mesh, biomorphic fir, 3m reflective.
Sole: SpEVA midsole, I.G.S, Space Trusstic, DuoSole, AHAR+ heel, Durasponge rubber forefoot, rearfoot Twist GEL, forefoot Twist GEL.
Features: Slip lasted, removable perforated compression moulded EVA sockliner with orthorlite.
Weight: 252gm.
Err.. yeah.