Sunday, February 05, 2006

Forever Friends Reunion!! Lovely~

Just came back from a reunion dinner cum get together with old pals, Secell Pioneer Batch. Secell history started when I was 12 years old. Together with Jon Wong, James, Jesse, Yilin, Esther and Karen, we were taught by David, Jason and Huiting. Anyway, everyone turned up today and it was GREAT!! Oh, I just realized the "teachers" to cell members ratio was super high, maybe that's why it was so effective back then? Together with Kevin who entered Secell slightly later than us, we met up for a Reunion Dinner tonight @ Taste of Thailand!! It was a blaaaaaaaaaaaaast laaaaa.. Most of us were friends since 7 years old, so we've very much known each other for more than 70% of our lives. It was fun just talking about old times, about how Secell was like 11 years ago. And unwittingly, we'll always talk about what the future for each other might be like. A fitting topic, since most of us are at cross roads in our lives, and Esther is gonna get married soon.

It's funny how everything and nothing changes. We're still the good ol' friends from yester years, though we've all changed so much from 11 years ago. But I guess it's the indescribable bonds weaved through the threads of time, knotted amongst countless precious memories that never loosens. It's been a special night to me for many reasons, cos I'm a sentimental guy! I remember things that mean a lot to me, special days, special numbers, special happenings, and special people. And among these precious friends, are many shared memories I'll never ever exchange for the world. Lest we forget, a high ho hum cheers.. Forever Friends!

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