Berakit Mission Trip photos! Gonna be quite internet traffic intensive, so please be patient. And do click on the photos for better view on them :)
Day 1
Whole team gathering at Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal early morning.

Wow loaded with cards..

90min boat trip!

Took the chance to "eat air" at the back of the Ferry.

Monkey Face 1. While waiting for travel agent settlements upon arrival at Tg Pinung.

Monkey Face 2. Samuel joins in.

In high spirits despite the initial waiting time.

Even had time to do some tidbit, ice cream shopping.

Thereafter proceeded to Pelangi Hotel for lunch enroute Palong village.

Hungry.. but the food was seriously not bad.

Ok, stomachs filled. Time to move out to Palong village.

2 hrs later in the village. But everyone feels a bit lost in translation at first.

First, we had to clear up the church which was to be our shelter for the 3 days.

Cleared up and now to be cleaned up.

Oooh the church window view towards the open sea.

Oooh, Sam Fung's glamour shot with priceless background.

Our neighbour's houses.

The initial part of the long bridge leading to the church (while was built over water).

Time to check out the area which we had to build the new shelter.

Veron and village headman, as he gives his instructions.

Time to start work!! Clear the ground and level it first.

We need to draw and carry water from the well to drink and bathe. Tough work man.

Thats me .. 苦 中 作 乐

Yep.. 苦 中 作 乐 again.

真 的 好苦 啊!!

Back at the church, our neighbour loaned us his sampan for leisure.

OCX and I, enjoying the sunset.
Day 2
The boys smelling the early morning breeze.

That's breakfast. Excessive egg diet. Made us develop serious egg phobia after that.

Start work again. OCX knocking the planks in to hold the concrete in place later.

Needed more sand, so Algene, Nat and Sam Fung took a sampan out to grab more.

Concrete mixing time! Our first time doing that.

We were a bit slow at the first round, but subsequently got quite adept at it.

Juz doing my share of the mixing.

The kids playing on a pile of sand. Laid back lifestyle.

The simplest of things could be their toys for the entire day.

Sam Fung's award winning shot.

The headman leads by example. The villagers were seriously amazing skillful at their crafts.

One of the few charcoal producing dome ovens in the village.

Laying and leveling the concrete.

Yes, they love us!

Subsequent concrete mixes were much prettier and faster. Much thanks to the villagers.

At the end of the day, we were rewarded with a nice relaxing sampan ride back to the church.

Some guys took the liberty to take a dip in the water.

Uncle David trying hard to save the sampan after some nifty boat-rocking action by Dan Fung.

To no avail though. Haha!!

Quite bath and enjoying the sunset soon after.

Day 2 debrief!
Day 3
Another self made morning breakfast using purely charcoal heat.

Our pig sty.

Braving the extreme sun and heat to start work.

Finally the concrete is done in the morning. But someone ran over it!

Time to make the benches and tables after lunch. Our own carpentry work.

Our masterpiece. Which needed further improvements but not bad for first timers :)

Its not all work. We took time to interact with the kids. Such as swings and soccer!

Joel found his favourite kid.

Just a few of the people who worked on the shelter! Mission complete for now.
Day 4
On our way back to Singapore at the pier. What a fantastic experience. Notice the new tan?
i'm sure it was an amazing trip. so what did u guys learn there? :)
Quite a fair bit. A lot of the culture, language and also the kampung lifestyle that we had to go through.
It was more of a DO mission trip, but we got to mix quite well working hand in hand with the villagers. Unfortunately, it was quite a bit of "chicken talking to the duck" situation whenever we tried to communicate without our seasoned Missionary around. :)
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