Monday, June 25, 2007

First Day

Its kinda a few first days today. My first day of work!! But not much la, cos I was induced to join the induction session lasting 3 days for NINETY new hires today. My name wasn't on the list due to some mess ups, but in the end I had to sit through the entire day of lectures. Most of which I had heard before 1.5 yrs ago, with a little updates of cos. What made it worse was the fact that I had a flu and headache the whole day. My nose was a runny tap the whole morning. Interestingly, I met a new hire who would be joining me in the same team as well. And I didn't even know there was another hire in the same team prior to meeting him, so when I found out we had the same manager, I was like "What the..". Cool though! Also, I met a "Cain" early this morning, and the next person I introduced myself to was an "Abel". Interesting haha :)

Anyway, I'll be at my desk tomorrow at last. The induction will continue next Tues. Thank God! But I'm going to have an early nights rest to recover as much as I can before tomorrow.

Another first day would be a first day at my new house in Khatib. I've finally moved back to the north!! "Yippeeee.." as Algene would exclaim with me. I left my house for work from Jurong this morning and headed straight for Khatib for the return train in the evening. A pity I couldn't help my parents with the move, but thank God the movers from Breakthrough Ministry were quite efficient, or so I heard. I've been trying to help put everything back in place and enduring the dusts, so I reckon my condition has worsened quite a fair bit. Another lament would be, my DIY'ed workstation table has turned into my parent's coffee table in the living room because they thought it was nice! Right.. Now I need to get another one. That table costed me 1 blister on my right middle finger anyway.

Need to shower and sleep now. Another long day again tmr.
Special thanks to those who wished me well for today! :)))

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