I woke up on Sunday morning thinking about hopping off to church. Unfortunately, while my eyes were opening up, my head felt like some fat hen had been sitting over it overnight. Painful, not hot btw. Had diarrhoea a little later to add to my worries. Not to be perturbed, I went to church anyway for worship meeting (the group was small enough even with me). The whole time feeling the dam of my anus was gonna release the floodgates any moment. Thank God Jason was kind enough to send me home!
Anyway, once I reached home I almost immediately vomitted. A lot load of stuff I couldn't recognize, from the strange variety of food I had sparsely fed myself with over the last few days. It wasn't long before the floodgates were opened and I found myself stuck over the toilet bowl for the next 30 min. I popped some pills and tried to pray the pain away, rolling about hopelessly on bed. It wasn't too long before I had to visit the site of my previous bombing for a third wave. Half way through the third wave of bombing, my stomach suddenly acted up again and I could feel the puke pushing its way up through my throat. My first thought was "I DUN WANNA FACE MY SHIT!", and went to puke into the sink instead. The next happening was obvious, I choked up the sink.. with vietnamese beehoon I ate for thurs lunch. And this was on Sunday evening?! The next 1 hour was a horrid ordeal trying to clear my bowels, stomach, toilet bowl and sink at the same time. Not a fun game to play. I told my parents the doctor can wait, I'll probably be able to pull through by myself. I hadn't seen a doc for some years, and I didn't want to miss work on Monday. I decided to try a thermometer just in case anyway. 38.4 degrees! Sigh, guess I had better see a doc.
The visit to the clinic wasn't very pleasant. I was number 18 in the queue and the doc was consulting patient 5 at that time. They took my temperature and it was 38.7 degrees by then. The next 1 hour of intermittent praying, talking to myself, thinking to myself and looking at the Superhost on TV followed suit. Hmm.. oh great he's now seeing number 11. Realizing my doom is inevitable, I told the nurse if I could go first, cos my puke was gonna come out, water bag is gonna burst and my fever is starting to take its toll on my IQ. 20 minutes later, the doc finally decided to see me.
The medicine wasn't too helpful at first, I woke up at 3.30am to puke AND had diarrhoea again. But thankfully, that was the last of it. I spent Monday sleeping and tried to work on Tues morning, but returned to rest in the afternoon anyway. It was probably my worse experience with Food poisoning just yet, and hope I'll never end up in hospital for it. Though unlikely as this might be, since my stomach is weak as a worker ant with 2 legs less. I'm still trying to figure out the source of the poisoning though. My saturday night's supper was Egg Nooddle at Wee Nam Kee, but I strangely vomited the Vietnamese Noodle from VienThai which I had on thurs lunch too. Which is it? Might be either, might be both. But now, I'm boycotting them all the same. :(
Thanks to those who know and prayed for me. Thanks to those who found out and encouraged me too! Namely Joey, Rachel, Brownie, Isaac and Nanaho. Did I miss out anyone?
Sorry Rachel and Joey. Owe you all the pics since Sat. In my photoalbum (misc folder).

Here's a song for Sunday. Better learn it well first! :)
MAJESTY - Delirious
Here I am humbled by your Majesty
Covered by your grace so free
Here I am, knowing I'm a sinful man
Covered by the blood of the Lamb
Now I've found the greatest love of all is mine
Since you laid down your life
The greatest sacrifice
Majesty, Majesty
Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed, but alive in your hands
Majesty, Majesty
Forever I am changed by your love
In the presence of your Majesty
Here I am humbled by the love that you give
Forgiven so that I can forgive
Here I stand, knowing that I'm your desire
Sanctified by glory and fire
Now I've found the greatest love of all is mine
Since you laid down your life
The greatest sacrifice
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