Firstly, thanks for all the wonderful people who asked about my grandfather's condition. His breathing had stablized on Sat and his pulse is normal. He still needs to breathe on the machine, because his lungs has collapsed, but he looks much more comfortable now. He can now respond to voices and is clearly conscious, so thats a good thing. :)
Secell had a BBQ cum overnight at Chancery Lane last night and it was coooool! The trip in the afternoon to Toa Payoh was well worth it, not because of the savings but the fun along the way. We stopped by at a VCD shop and watched "The Eye 10", and got a good laugh from the short segment being repeated. Proceeded to buy our groceries and bought some bubble tea before heading off to church. BBQ started at about 5.30pm and lotsa interesting food, of which most memorable for me was the Banana Bacon, created by our Cell Group! Good stuff I tell you, despite how weird you might imagine the taste to be. Oh yes, Yoel and Feri joined us for the goodies too.
We played some games thereafter to chop chop finish off the food. Last "food fest" game was a killer.. A killer mix of everything and M'kaddesh actually had to finish it. But of cos, though we said the game was merciless, we're not. Ended up the mixture was left unfinished. After the cleaning up, my new "Treasure Hunt" was played. Basically it's treasure hunt with clues planted around Thomson Road and Chancery Lane. Groups had to take pics of the clues with their handphone cams as verification.. And some of the clues are not visible unless Cameras are used (hehe). Anyway it was pretty fast and furious, and the first group that returned actually ran for most of the journey. Poor Jason was attached to them and had to keep up with their youthful zest. Feri joined us for the game too, although his group didnt win but I think they had fun nonetheless.
Participants may think doing these games are easy but they arent actually. Haha.. Cos when I went to plant the clues, I planted them in either very PUBLIC or PRIVATE places. When planting in public areas I had to be discrete about the sticking cos I was afraid people might get curious and alert security. When planting in private areas, I myself had to be in stealth mode lest I get caught for trespassing. =P
Anyway, we debated somewhat about what DVD to watch first on projector after the hunt. That was 11.45pm then.. and the idea was actually to catch Ju-on. Some protested as they would prefer comedies or action movies rather than a horror movie. So we caught "Pirates of the Caribbean" first, and I actually fell asleep at the last part. Haha.. Ju-on was up next, and some people disappeared to play card games elsewhere. It's a really story-less show I tell you. Just plain lots of sound shocking scenes and grossness. Anyway we spent a good time laughing at the show as we watched it. Last DVD was Matrix, part 1. And by this time, most people had already started concussing, all over the floor if i might add. I joined in the slumber party on the floor halfway through the show, the struggle was too unbearable. THat was 5.00am
After cleaning up the office at 10.30am, we ventured off to Mcdonalds for a hearty breakfast. And slowly, tired folks started to get too stoney and departed for home. I slept from 2-4pm and got up to prepare for the street soccer game at my place at 5pm. Algene, OCX, Isaac, Cyrus, Corn, Joel, Nathaniel and myself played in the tennis-court-turned-streetsoccer-court at my place. Fun but tiring lah, my fitness cannot make it. Got a sprain neck after that too. O_o"
Some of us went for dinner thereafter and here am I, just back from Chong Pang after a durian supper. Bought a durian for my dad too, though he's sleeping now.. A bit full, and durian breath.. But great day all in all, fulfilling to say the least.
Some photos from Secell BBQ overnight to share, as usual more in my photo album.
Monday, May 23, 2005
Friday, May 20, 2005
My grandad is currently in Tan Tock Seng's ICU, lying on a bed with machines all over him. He's living off the machine for now.
He's 80 plus years of age, a thin tall but good looking person. In his days, he must have been a great person, because my mom, uncles and aunties are all wonderful people. He has 8 children altogether, and bringing up that many in his time was certainly no easy feat. Gramps used to ride off his little scooter to work in the wee hours of the morning and stayed hard at work til the evening to reunite with his family at the dinner table. Days were rough and the food on the meal table was always minimal, but sufficient for a hearty, healthy family. A warm little house in Toa Payoh that never lacked liveliness, laughter and love.
Once when I was toddler, I lived in that compelling abode. A child with naught but curious mischief, I spent the second year of my life amongst those concrete walls called home. Gramps, who loves children with an undivided heart, once pushed me on my little stroller through the playgrounds in Toa Payoh - everyday. Even at the age of 23, I can vividly remember the sound of children's laughter as we played on the sand, whilst gramps patiently sat at a corner watching me with his ever vigilent eyes.
In days of youth, with lively vigor, we soon forget to treasure the deepest things which we once clung to. With that, the days of living with gramps seemed like a passing moment in a dream carted by the engine of time. And now we stand, a broken man wishing time had returned for us to make amends. A simple word of thanks, or the humble sound of an apology makes the language of love a resounding melody in the hearts of its hearers. Time is unforgiving, and thank you's oft too late for gramps can hear no more than the sound of his own faint heartbeat, his eyes now too heavy to open.
Upon the star I wish tonight, the God will uphold gramps with His righteous right hand. The embrace of the Heavenly Father shall warm the heart of gramps to rest tonight. I pray for peace within, and upon myself. I love you gramps, and I know God loves you too.
He's 80 plus years of age, a thin tall but good looking person. In his days, he must have been a great person, because my mom, uncles and aunties are all wonderful people. He has 8 children altogether, and bringing up that many in his time was certainly no easy feat. Gramps used to ride off his little scooter to work in the wee hours of the morning and stayed hard at work til the evening to reunite with his family at the dinner table. Days were rough and the food on the meal table was always minimal, but sufficient for a hearty, healthy family. A warm little house in Toa Payoh that never lacked liveliness, laughter and love.
Once when I was toddler, I lived in that compelling abode. A child with naught but curious mischief, I spent the second year of my life amongst those concrete walls called home. Gramps, who loves children with an undivided heart, once pushed me on my little stroller through the playgrounds in Toa Payoh - everyday. Even at the age of 23, I can vividly remember the sound of children's laughter as we played on the sand, whilst gramps patiently sat at a corner watching me with his ever vigilent eyes.
In days of youth, with lively vigor, we soon forget to treasure the deepest things which we once clung to. With that, the days of living with gramps seemed like a passing moment in a dream carted by the engine of time. And now we stand, a broken man wishing time had returned for us to make amends. A simple word of thanks, or the humble sound of an apology makes the language of love a resounding melody in the hearts of its hearers. Time is unforgiving, and thank you's oft too late for gramps can hear no more than the sound of his own faint heartbeat, his eyes now too heavy to open.
Upon the star I wish tonight, the God will uphold gramps with His righteous right hand. The embrace of the Heavenly Father shall warm the heart of gramps to rest tonight. I pray for peace within, and upon myself. I love you gramps, and I know God loves you too.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
80% Work Cycle™
I must say, I'm starting to settle into work nicely. Albeit it takes up most of my time awake. My routine now is..
0700 - Wake up, wash up
0745 - Leave home, take train/bus
0900 - Reach office, deploy mama shop (laptop) @ one corner, literally one CORNER!
1240 - Out to lunch/explore CBD
1340 - Back to my mama shop, making calls, sending emails and designing webpages or cover pages
1800 - Start waving bye to full timers leaving the office
1900 - Start waving bye to my laptop and close mama shop
2100 - Reach home to check MORE emails and reply MORE emails. Catch up on MSN.
2300 - Recuperate and recharge my biological battery for the next cycle
I call this my 80% Work Cycle™.
Work is getting fun mainly because I'm doing things I like. Basically, talking to people and designing webpages or art designs. Helping out wherever I can as a coolie as well, but only for Kevin (the coolie in-charge). 2 lovely ladies reside around the corner of my mama shop, well actually just behind me. Matz makes up for half of the pair, and the other half is Ereen, David's new full-time marketing staff. Ereen is only 20 yrs old, so that further brings down the average age of David's staff currently in the office to 22 years old. Haha.. And all Christians too.
Well, apart from work, I don't really have much to think about these days. There'll be a badminton session tomorrow though! Chun Xiang planned for it, and he told me 9 ppl but refuses to name them. He tells me there'll be pretty girls tomorrow, but I'm not sure if he's trying to entice me to play because of that. Haha.. well, I'll rather have girls that play a mean game of badminton than pretty ones who can't hit the shuttlecock for nuts. Cos I need the workout. Oops..
Upcoming Sunday is Secell "outing" again! Yay!! Outing to Chancery Lane!! Double Yay Yay!! Barbeque in Chancery Lane and overnight, so that means lots of badly cooked food and more time to spend in the toilets for me. I dun think I know anyone who has a more sensitive stomach than mine. Haha.. Oh yes, will be planning for night games as well. Games by me will be erm, fun? Mooohahaha. Can't wait for that, cos holiday the next day and street soccer game on Vesak afternoon as well. Have to drive my parents to Airport at noon on Vesak so it'll be a day without rest for me. BUT... I'll still hafta sleep by midnight cos the 80% Work Cycle™ will begin the next day again. "Yay.."
Ah yes, how can I forget. I caught Star Wars III tonight! What happened in the show was ****** was killed by *******. And then ****** decided to ***** with *******. So ******* and ***** ended up *****'ing with ****** at the conclusion. Got the gist of it? No? Then go watch the show, its well worth the money. Even if you know the story and the outcome of the whole saga. Hope you can get tickets for the show this week though, may the force be with you.
0700 - Wake up, wash up
0745 - Leave home, take train/bus
0900 - Reach office, deploy mama shop (laptop) @ one corner, literally one CORNER!
1240 - Out to lunch/explore CBD
1340 - Back to my mama shop, making calls, sending emails and designing webpages or cover pages
1800 - Start waving bye to full timers leaving the office
1900 - Start waving bye to my laptop and close mama shop
2100 - Reach home to check MORE emails and reply MORE emails. Catch up on MSN.
2300 - Recuperate and recharge my biological battery for the next cycle
I call this my 80% Work Cycle™.
Work is getting fun mainly because I'm doing things I like. Basically, talking to people and designing webpages or art designs. Helping out wherever I can as a coolie as well, but only for Kevin (the coolie in-charge). 2 lovely ladies reside around the corner of my mama shop, well actually just behind me. Matz makes up for half of the pair, and the other half is Ereen, David's new full-time marketing staff. Ereen is only 20 yrs old, so that further brings down the average age of David's staff currently in the office to 22 years old. Haha.. And all Christians too.
Well, apart from work, I don't really have much to think about these days. There'll be a badminton session tomorrow though! Chun Xiang planned for it, and he told me 9 ppl but refuses to name them. He tells me there'll be pretty girls tomorrow, but I'm not sure if he's trying to entice me to play because of that. Haha.. well, I'll rather have girls that play a mean game of badminton than pretty ones who can't hit the shuttlecock for nuts. Cos I need the workout. Oops..
Upcoming Sunday is Secell "outing" again! Yay!! Outing to Chancery Lane!! Double Yay Yay!! Barbeque in Chancery Lane and overnight, so that means lots of badly cooked food and more time to spend in the toilets for me. I dun think I know anyone who has a more sensitive stomach than mine. Haha.. Oh yes, will be planning for night games as well. Games by me will be erm, fun? Mooohahaha. Can't wait for that, cos holiday the next day and street soccer game on Vesak afternoon as well. Have to drive my parents to Airport at noon on Vesak so it'll be a day without rest for me. BUT... I'll still hafta sleep by midnight cos the 80% Work Cycle™ will begin the next day again. "Yay.."
Ah yes, how can I forget. I caught Star Wars III tonight! What happened in the show was ****** was killed by *******. And then ****** decided to ***** with *******. So ******* and ***** ended up *****'ing with ****** at the conclusion. Got the gist of it? No? Then go watch the show, its well worth the money. Even if you know the story and the outcome of the whole saga. Hope you can get tickets for the show this week though, may the force be with you.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
I lift up my eyes to the hills
There's a real tangible feeling of moodiness, stress and disheartenment about me at the moment. It's been around most of the week actually, hence my lack of words of late. It revolves around a couple of things which I don't really feel like listing out at the moment.. I guess its just another bad week. I'm just plain jane tired, of everything.
Karen asked me today when I'm down, who/what can make me happier. My first thought was "ice-cream", but I gave it some thought for 3 seconds and replied with a spiritual, "God". It wasn't hard to regurgitate the rightful answer, but it was hard swallowing the truth of my words. Sometimes I seek so hard for something tangible to remove those unhappiness I forget where my help comes from.
Psalm 121:
I lift up my eyes to the hills — where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD watches over you— the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life;
the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
Karen asked me today when I'm down, who/what can make me happier. My first thought was "ice-cream", but I gave it some thought for 3 seconds and replied with a spiritual, "God". It wasn't hard to regurgitate the rightful answer, but it was hard swallowing the truth of my words. Sometimes I seek so hard for something tangible to remove those unhappiness I forget where my help comes from.
Psalm 121:
I lift up my eyes to the hills — where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD watches over you— the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life;
the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Revolution? No, I'm not some nationalist trying to change the government for a better tomorrow. Neither have I mispelled the Mitsubishi speedster. Just that my mind's been going through plenty of revolutions over the past hours. I can't sleep..
In about a few hours time, I'll be meeting Karen and Matz to head off to David's office. Suppose to be there to speak with David regarding work prospects. Meeting them at Raffles Place MRT, 8.50am. Meaning, I'll have to wake up early and prepare myself for "a day in the office". My biological clock has been severely remodelled since the start of preparation for exams. Very much a standard 4am sleep, 10am wake up pattern that re-runs itself every new day. Do I sound a little moody? I guess I am right now. Haha..
I need to sleep, so please Mr. Brain, go knock yourself out. For MY sake, for OUR sake. Dun you see how potentially hazardous it might be if we dont get enough rest? My mind's been running around in revolutions for the past 3 hours as I tossed and turned on bed. The past, the present, the immediate future, and how it ideally happens, runs like a full technicolour movie before my wide shut eyes. We think, we plan, but we never see it through the way we wished. It always happens. And I stop the thought for fear that I've brought hope too far a road down to travel. Hope is a wonderous thing, it relives motivation but yet it witholds immense power to dishearten. Its just very much where we place our hopes in. Ideally in a God that eternally never disappoints, though not very often tangible and tends us to forget.
Sleep I must, rest I do not. Think I shalln't, yet peace I have not.
In about a few hours time, I'll be meeting Karen and Matz to head off to David's office. Suppose to be there to speak with David regarding work prospects. Meeting them at Raffles Place MRT, 8.50am. Meaning, I'll have to wake up early and prepare myself for "a day in the office". My biological clock has been severely remodelled since the start of preparation for exams. Very much a standard 4am sleep, 10am wake up pattern that re-runs itself every new day. Do I sound a little moody? I guess I am right now. Haha..
I need to sleep, so please Mr. Brain, go knock yourself out. For MY sake, for OUR sake. Dun you see how potentially hazardous it might be if we dont get enough rest? My mind's been running around in revolutions for the past 3 hours as I tossed and turned on bed. The past, the present, the immediate future, and how it ideally happens, runs like a full technicolour movie before my wide shut eyes. We think, we plan, but we never see it through the way we wished. It always happens. And I stop the thought for fear that I've brought hope too far a road down to travel. Hope is a wonderous thing, it relives motivation but yet it witholds immense power to dishearten. Its just very much where we place our hopes in. Ideally in a God that eternally never disappoints, though not very often tangible and tends us to forget.
Sleep I must, rest I do not. Think I shalln't, yet peace I have not.
Monday, May 09, 2005
The REAL Update!
First and foremost, to my most beloved viewers out there, thank you for your endearing support throughout the first few months of my blog house warming. It's been an interesting trip writing short journal entries for people who are either really interested on what's happening in Daniel's life or simply too bored. Of cos you, yeah you reading this right now can't belong to the latter group right? Of cos not. I knew it.
Right, another Sunday's past and its been most eventful, fun, educating and refreshing. The last few days after exams haven't been significant, but mostly consisted of decisions I had to make since I had shelf them off during the exams. To be honest, its weird but I've been feeling nervous since thurs evening for some unknown reason. Its like my heart just pounds faster, adrenaline level shoots up, and my thinking gets a little disrupted. Not quite sure whats the cause of that, cant be stress I know, just gives me a little reason to go to the Lord in prayer each time. But all in all, I feel great as of this moment!
Something interesting happened this morning. The worship during the service didn't go exactly as it had went yesterday during practice. I would say the practice was better, more feel and more powerful. Haha, well I had felt it during the worship itself as I was up there trying to push the song on, it just didn't happen. But, after the service, STILL there were people giving short words of thanks with regards to the worship which had touched them one way or another. You know folks? Worship really is all about Him, Jesus, and He's the One that makes it happen. Not our skills, arrangement, practises and ya-da-da. His grace and anointing covers over all things! What a timely reminder.
I had a most excellent time over in Chancery, for some reason it was awfully fun today. Had lotsa laughs, and kicks (literally). Fueled by the freedom granted after exams, ignited by the joy of the Lord, and propelled by the great fun of just being around God loving people. Smashing! Even better that the kids (no, not mine) were around, so cute and fun to play with.
Funny that the sermon today was about "doing the right thing". Well, I had wanted to laugh each time I heard it this morning to be honest. That Russell Peters really cracks me up man. Not to mention the pulling action which (to me) looks like a flushing action rather than rowing a dragon boat. No disrespect to the speaker but its just me who thinks funny. Thats why you find me smiling to myself every now and then, cos I probably have this very notty thought that I wont say out lest I hurt someone. Haha..
Okie, now to introduce one side of me which most of you all won't know. Which side you ask? The backside? Of cos.. NOT! I'm actually a Staff member, or we call it "Team Member", of an online local Toys Forum called Katoots. Been there for about a year serving as a Moderator now and currently serving as the Chief Moderator. We're actually a registered business and we've sold some merchandises on a small scale thus far, but we're planning for something big later this year. Our own Toy Figure!! Its cool and cute too. Some of you might even have seen me on news before because of this too! Haha.. I'm bringing this up because Straits Times interviewed one of our members and we've got mentioned on the GenY section of Sunday Times (8th May 2005). There'll be another written section with mention of our Forum over one of the week's Straits Times as well. So stay tuned and keep a lookout!

Oh yes, one final note to those who've been keeping up with my entries. I've forgone the insurance/financial advisor job so I can do something more short term in view of what the ministry and church is gonna need of me in the next few months, not to mention my school work as well. Killer!
Right, another Sunday's past and its been most eventful, fun, educating and refreshing. The last few days after exams haven't been significant, but mostly consisted of decisions I had to make since I had shelf them off during the exams. To be honest, its weird but I've been feeling nervous since thurs evening for some unknown reason. Its like my heart just pounds faster, adrenaline level shoots up, and my thinking gets a little disrupted. Not quite sure whats the cause of that, cant be stress I know, just gives me a little reason to go to the Lord in prayer each time. But all in all, I feel great as of this moment!
Something interesting happened this morning. The worship during the service didn't go exactly as it had went yesterday during practice. I would say the practice was better, more feel and more powerful. Haha, well I had felt it during the worship itself as I was up there trying to push the song on, it just didn't happen. But, after the service, STILL there were people giving short words of thanks with regards to the worship which had touched them one way or another. You know folks? Worship really is all about Him, Jesus, and He's the One that makes it happen. Not our skills, arrangement, practises and ya-da-da. His grace and anointing covers over all things! What a timely reminder.
I had a most excellent time over in Chancery, for some reason it was awfully fun today. Had lotsa laughs, and kicks (literally). Fueled by the freedom granted after exams, ignited by the joy of the Lord, and propelled by the great fun of just being around God loving people. Smashing! Even better that the kids (no, not mine) were around, so cute and fun to play with.
Funny that the sermon today was about "doing the right thing". Well, I had wanted to laugh each time I heard it this morning to be honest. That Russell Peters really cracks me up man. Not to mention the pulling action which (to me) looks like a flushing action rather than rowing a dragon boat. No disrespect to the speaker but its just me who thinks funny. Thats why you find me smiling to myself every now and then, cos I probably have this very notty thought that I wont say out lest I hurt someone. Haha..
Okie, now to introduce one side of me which most of you all won't know. Which side you ask? The backside? Of cos.. NOT! I'm actually a Staff member, or we call it "Team Member", of an online local Toys Forum called Katoots. Been there for about a year serving as a Moderator now and currently serving as the Chief Moderator. We're actually a registered business and we've sold some merchandises on a small scale thus far, but we're planning for something big later this year. Our own Toy Figure!! Its cool and cute too. Some of you might even have seen me on news before because of this too! Haha.. I'm bringing this up because Straits Times interviewed one of our members and we've got mentioned on the GenY section of Sunday Times (8th May 2005). There'll be another written section with mention of our Forum over one of the week's Straits Times as well. So stay tuned and keep a lookout!

Oh yes, one final note to those who've been keeping up with my entries. I've forgone the insurance/financial advisor job so I can do something more short term in view of what the ministry and church is gonna need of me in the next few months, not to mention my school work as well. Killer!
Monday, May 02, 2005
May Day! May Day!
Wah, I slept at 10.30pm last night! First time in 1 year or more I think. Was trapped in slumberland for a good 8 hours, before I succumbed to re-enter it again. Was a good rest nonetheless, now to fight hard with my life for my last paper!
It's the May Day holiday now by the way, everyone's on holidays, except for poor folks who have to study for examinations. The shops are closed and I'll probably have to eat grass today. Was helping Yingying with some 25 questions of National Education nonsense last night, and one of the questions required us to do some research on the presidents of Singapore. I chanced upon President Wee Kim Wee's profile and I thought to myself,"Oh yeah, he had passed away already." And I found out just moments ago that he had just past away. Oooops, not my fault right? Sorry Mr President. In another question, it asked which were the official languages of Singapore. Found an interesting excerpt on English, the official language of Europe in 5 years time.
"The European Union commissioners have announced that agreement has been
reached to adopt English as the preferred language for European
Communications, rather than German, which was the other possibility.
As part of the negotiations, the British government conceded that English
spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a five-year phased
plan for what will be known as EuroEnglish (Euro for short).
In the first year, "s" will be used instead of the soft "c". Sertainly,
sivil servants will resieve this news with joy. Also, the hard "c" will
be replaced with "k". Not only will this klear up konfusion, but
typewriters kan have one less letter.
There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year, when the
troublesome "ph" will be replaced by "f". This will make words like
fotograf" 20 per sent shorter.
In the third year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted
to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.Governments
will enkorage the removal of double letters, which have always ben a
deterent to akurate speling.
Also, al wil agre that the horible mes of silent "e"s in the languag is
disgrasful, and they would go.
By the fourth year, peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th"
by z" and "w" by " v".
During ze fifz year, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining
ou", and similar changes vud of kors be aplid to ozer kombinations of
Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German ze vey ve vunted in ze forst
It's the May Day holiday now by the way, everyone's on holidays, except for poor folks who have to study for examinations. The shops are closed and I'll probably have to eat grass today. Was helping Yingying with some 25 questions of National Education nonsense last night, and one of the questions required us to do some research on the presidents of Singapore. I chanced upon President Wee Kim Wee's profile and I thought to myself,"Oh yeah, he had passed away already." And I found out just moments ago that he had just past away. Oooops, not my fault right? Sorry Mr President. In another question, it asked which were the official languages of Singapore. Found an interesting excerpt on English, the official language of Europe in 5 years time.
"The European Union commissioners have announced that agreement has been
reached to adopt English as the preferred language for European
Communications, rather than German, which was the other possibility.
As part of the negotiations, the British government conceded that English
spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a five-year phased
plan for what will be known as EuroEnglish (Euro for short).
In the first year, "s" will be used instead of the soft "c". Sertainly,
sivil servants will resieve this news with joy. Also, the hard "c" will
be replaced with "k". Not only will this klear up konfusion, but
typewriters kan have one less letter.
There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year, when the
troublesome "ph" will be replaced by "f". This will make words like
fotograf" 20 per sent shorter.
In the third year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted
to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.Governments
will enkorage the removal of double letters, which have always ben a
deterent to akurate speling.
Also, al wil agre that the horible mes of silent "e"s in the languag is
disgrasful, and they would go.
By the fourth year, peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th"
by z" and "w" by " v".
During ze fifz year, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining
ou", and similar changes vud of kors be aplid to ozer kombinations of
Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German ze vey ve vunted in ze forst
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Can't breathe..
My most unsubstantial entry yet. Basically, I'm feeling sickly and nauseous. I feel very sleepy, but cant get myself to doze off. Here's how it all happened.. *flashback*
It was a beautiful morning and rays of bright morning sun glittered through my room curtains. With a hint of reluctance, I opened my eyes from the break of yet another sweet dream of wonderful memories. Alright who am I kidding? Sounds like a fairy tale. What ACTUALLY happened was, I woke up, didnt feel like hitting my notes and glared at who's online, hoping to find a partner in crime to spend a saturday with. Hmm.. seems like no one. Ah well, I'll just stick around and wait for an unsuspecting victim to enter MSN. Mooohahaha..
Isaac is going out at night. Rats.. Can't borrow the car. Double rats.. AH!!! Chun Xiang is online. Started to plan for badminton after the exams. Cool. Turns out he was pretty bored too, and was looking for some interesting games to play online. I, coincidentally, was hoping to play Winning Eleven 8 after touching it last weekend at Isaac's. "Hey, how bout we find some dudes and crash someone's house for Winning Eleven 8 mayhem?" I suggested with a glee. And so it began..
The search for WE8 PS2 version was on. Turned out we were so desperate we ask around for the game, and when we couldnt find anyone with it, we decided to settle for Winning ELeven 7 instead (prev version). I spent the next hour searching for my god-forsaken, who-knows-where disc and in the process, breathed in a whole lot of dust. It takes a few mircoscopic specks to get me sneezing, and with this much inhaled, I was doomed. My nose is still runny now, and my sneezing continues. Basically I cant breathe, not to mention think. My eyes feel swollen and nostrils raw from the tissue wipes. Awful awful.
Thankfully, ALgene tagged along and he had WE8!!! We crashed over to Rachel's place and I brought my multiplayer adapter, Algene with more controllers.. Good to go! 5 hours of nonstop PS2 madness, skipped meals, ate snacks and had plenty of laughs. Haha, fun fun. Only pity was that the dumb game hung TWICE and we could never finish our World Cup tournaments. Went home feeling worse, tired and nauseous.
How unsubstantial an entry this is now, a night's rest and I should be back to normal. Sweet dreams Mr Yan!
It was a beautiful morning and rays of bright morning sun glittered through my room curtains. With a hint of reluctance, I opened my eyes from the break of yet another sweet dream of wonderful memories. Alright who am I kidding? Sounds like a fairy tale. What ACTUALLY happened was, I woke up, didnt feel like hitting my notes and glared at who's online, hoping to find a partner in crime to spend a saturday with. Hmm.. seems like no one. Ah well, I'll just stick around and wait for an unsuspecting victim to enter MSN. Mooohahaha..
Isaac is going out at night. Rats.. Can't borrow the car. Double rats.. AH!!! Chun Xiang is online. Started to plan for badminton after the exams. Cool. Turns out he was pretty bored too, and was looking for some interesting games to play online. I, coincidentally, was hoping to play Winning Eleven 8 after touching it last weekend at Isaac's. "Hey, how bout we find some dudes and crash someone's house for Winning Eleven 8 mayhem?" I suggested with a glee. And so it began..
The search for WE8 PS2 version was on. Turned out we were so desperate we ask around for the game, and when we couldnt find anyone with it, we decided to settle for Winning ELeven 7 instead (prev version). I spent the next hour searching for my god-forsaken, who-knows-where disc and in the process, breathed in a whole lot of dust. It takes a few mircoscopic specks to get me sneezing, and with this much inhaled, I was doomed. My nose is still runny now, and my sneezing continues. Basically I cant breathe, not to mention think. My eyes feel swollen and nostrils raw from the tissue wipes. Awful awful.
Thankfully, ALgene tagged along and he had WE8!!! We crashed over to Rachel's place and I brought my multiplayer adapter, Algene with more controllers.. Good to go! 5 hours of nonstop PS2 madness, skipped meals, ate snacks and had plenty of laughs. Haha, fun fun. Only pity was that the dumb game hung TWICE and we could never finish our World Cup tournaments. Went home feeling worse, tired and nauseous.
How unsubstantial an entry this is now, a night's rest and I should be back to normal. Sweet dreams Mr Yan!
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