Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Welcome to the IR world!

Sorry about the lack of updates with regards to Sydney. I'll update once I get my hands on the pictures I promise, so stay tuned and be patient for just a bit more.

I'm picking up Infrared photography with my new camera and Infrared filter (expensive man). In case you have no idea what's that all about, its basically using the camera to pick up IR (infrared) spectrum instead of visible light. So you get a whole new world which you don't normally get to see through naked eyes. Its awesome! Here's an example of how the IR world looks in comparison to the NORMAL world. Tell me which do you prefer? :)

IR through my house window

Normal view through my house window

In addition to that, I'm considering setting up an unofficial Asher Tay fanclub on the blog soon and we'll all nominate OCX as the president k? Thanks!

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