1 Chronicles 16:34 -
"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
With the boyz
Went Johor today with the guys. Really funny time I had. Okie, it's rather late and my nocturnal demi-angel reminded me to sleep early again, so I shall pretty quickly wrap up this post. :)
"Are we there yet?! ARE WE THERE YET?!?!?!"
"Why we stop here? Why you no white card? WHY WHY WHY?!?!?"
Philip our very "hiong" driver. No give way one..
*GASP*! The ghost of Felix that haunts the City Square carpark
Hungry ghost tries to hide his uber obvious presence
Seasons' Cafe is actually owned by Swensons. See the menu!
Anyone wants to visit Singapore? Thats my next tour destination man..
Giant Earthquake that only costs us $2.50 each!!! WAT THE..
The tweety bird i almost wanted to buy back. But decided no use for it, so at least take one photo first..
I tried to take secret photos inside the cinema. But the forgot to off the flash. Diaooooo..
Ahhh.. more secretive now. Shhh..
Indian man happily driving his bus..
Suddenly steps on the brake pedal..!!
Noticed the big head in front blocking my movie yet?
Cocolulu. No idea what it means but the guys thought it was cool.
My favourite pokemon 6 years ago. Sucker for cute things mah, what to do..
The jam.. Thank God our driver quite "hiong".. Haha