Wednesday, January 25, 2006
"I want to be your danna"
Anyway, I'm just so moved by the show. I love it to bits! The flow, the direction, the camera movement, the acting, the plot, the dialogue, the everything!!! I officially award this movie my best movie watched in the last 365 days. I would like to catch it again to be honest.. TWO THUMBS UP! It also helps that the lead actress is Zhang Ziyi, quite the sweetest actress I know that ever existed. Her younger counterpart is quite sweet too, and two toes up for her acting! I felt so drawn to the lead character that I was perpetually sucked into the current of her story. When she smiled, so too did I. When she laughed, I chuckled with her. When she was sad, I got angry at the people who made her feel that way. When things didn't happened the way she had expected, I gasped the loudest in the theatre.. Oh my, do I sound in love? Haha, crap. Maybe it was just me, perhaps it was Zhang Ziyi. Maybe it was the movie, another fine love story.
"She paints her face to hide her face. Her eyes are deep water. It is not for Geisha to want. It is not for geisha to feel. Geisha is an artist of the floating world. She dances, she sings. She entertains you, whatever you want. The rest is shadows, the rest is secret."
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Anyway, back to being bizzee. Yeah I've started my internship at Credit Suisse from 16th Jan, the date Credit Suisse decided to merge it's subsidiaries back to one huge company. So there were a lot of reforms and reshufflements on my first day. I've got a little desk next to my manager's cubicle, alone beside the PHOTOCOPYING MACHINE! I'm like the little dustbins they used to have at a junction of the road. Everyone is walking pass me to use the photocopying machine, and I can smell the ink after long usage. My PERSONAL wastebin has also turned into the photocopying machine bin, cos there's no other bin situated nearby so everyone dumps their copied rubbish into my bin. Haha.. Do I actually sound unhappy about work? Actually, not at all. I'm very happy there, and I do feel it's a privilege just to work in that place. THe people are nice and helpful, though I really really need a lot of help. So out of place really, what's an engineer doing in a bank for internship? But hey, I dun plan on being one after I graduate anyway. Hehe
There are some confidential stuff I'm obligated not to speak about. The only thing is.. I'm not fully sure which info are. So I had better not talk too much about work at the moment, til I complete the reading of the compliance papers. Anyway it's late, I'm gonna have to sleep soon. And skip back to my tiring, bizzee day again tomorrow. Yippeeeee!!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Raine day!
Finally, we kicked the ball a little bit and my team VERY QUICKLY conceded a goal, while I was still stretching. Haha!! Another 2 minutes later, my team conceded it's 3rd goal. I turned around and was wondering "eh how come the other team got another player appear suddenly?". No it wasnt a ghost, but a security guard was standing in the middle of the court and told us to get out. Apparently, there was a sign outside which non of us noticed which was saying the court was closed til 15th January DUE TO RENOVATIONS. But what the, there were NO renovations loh. I asked a more friendly guy who came with the guard and he said it was becos there were some paintwork and the painters didnt want to look like they missed a spot. HELLOOOOOOOOOO?!?! A whole morning of anticipation for 10 burly guys just plummetted to rock bottom.
Jon Wong suggested we head off to another court since we had 2 cars, good enough for 10 guys. We reached Sin Ming's court to find another 12 guys (20-30 yrs old) playing already. We challenged them and played for about 3 matches before it started to pour AGAIN!! We gave up, and drove to Thomson road to check out the Prata house. We knew it was Haji, but still gave it a try cos we didn't think the Indian owners would go to Mecca. Unfortunately, it was closed and so was the Dim Sum backup kopitiam. So we put up at a mince meat noodle kopitiam while the rain continued to pour. It was nice having Josh join us anyway, it's been a long time! :)
Isaac, Joel and Josh followed me home to bathe, gym and play PS2. You guys free can just come my place, we go gym anytime k hehe? It's boring gym'ing alone all the time. Josh had to go at 2pm, but Joshua came over after that, haha. Yeah, my place was filled with church people the whole day. I like it, cos I havent been able to house you guys much whilst I was in hostel. Not like when I was younger, cos I had always invited church people for overnights at my place (feed Isaac until he so big size now). Joel and Joshua stayed and we basically did a whole load of crappy stuff before going for dinner together nearby. It was a simple day, but pretty fruitful for me and a very happy one too. Having good pals (old and new) at my place after so many years of staying at an inaccessible hostel is goooooooooooood!! Haha.. yippeee

PS: I didn't notice the auntie's ears til I posted this pic. Wow dO_Ob

Monday, January 09, 2006
Of Rain and Memories
Saturday saw a new batch of Sec 1's joining Secell for the first time. Well I must say, 1993 must have been a pretty unproductive year for some of our church people, cos we've only got 3 Sec 1's this year! We had some short games for Secell, one of which involved everyone making a "new friend" haha.
Josiah tapes up the umbilical cord of his new friend
"X" marks the spot. Is that where we're suppose to burst him?
Jere: "Is my balloon big enough?"
Josiah's new friend likes to laze around on his back more I think. Haha..
Trash bag man needs a little bit of patching up here and there to stand up
Team "WILSON!!" (adapted from movie, Cast Away)
Team "DANIEL" (adapted from Cheryl's cell leader, yours truly)
Team "WILLY" (adapted from movie, Cast Away 2 - Brother of Wilson)
Cod Liver Oil advertisement - "bi yi bi, shui bi shui gao?"
Cheryl, Joel and Josiah. Friends to our "new friends"
Funky pic of Joey. Nice? She on the way to putting the V-sign, but my camera faster. Haha
Sunday was no less gloomy than Saturday. In fact, it was worse cos it virtually rained from morning (before I woke up) til night (after I fell asleep) nonstop! A drenching and cold day.. bleh! Went to the new Marina Square Foodloft for lunch with church people. Had Black Pepper Chicken Baked Rice with Mushroom Soup for only $3.50. And surprisingly, the baked rice was pretty okie. The rice below the cheese was a bit dry though, but overall worth the moola! Went to walk around after having a fun talk with Josiah, Jere and Joy.. we went in search of Andersen's ice cream. Nice weather to eat ice cream! We lingered around the mall a bit more before I got a lift back home from uncle Jimmy.
Monday! Skipped the industrial attachment talk in school from 10-11am cos decided travelling to school for 1.5hrs wasn't worth the 1hr talk. Anyway turned out the talk wasn't worth listening to either, wahahaha.. Philip, Agent Yellow and myself arranged for a Dim Sum lunch buffet at Excelsior Hotel. Not bad! Not bad at all!! A pity it was the eve of a holiday today, otherwise we would have been paying about $12 plus instead of the $16 plus we ended up paying today. Worth our buckers man, the food was not bad indeed. Oh ya, there was a "Pastor's Lunch conference" or something inside the restaurant too. I saw a few pastors with the white tape around the collars and saw Pastor Oh Beng Kee with them! Hahaha

After the meal, I decided to pay my childhood memories a visit. Anyone remembers the old Excelsior Hotel room we used to hold our church services in? That was about 13-15 yrs ago, so some of you can forget trying to remember.. haha. But my word, has that place changed (duh). I just felt like a kid all over again as those memories just came back to me. Hmm.. just realized I've been in the church for quite awhile now. So old.. sigh.

I remember how I used to be a super fatty bom bom, trying to fight for his identity among a group of more pleasant-looking children. How I tried so hard to fit in, but couldn't help but just felt so different. And somehow, somewhere God brought along a few friends who didn't mind me despite my ugly obese, uncompelling looks. Those memories are pretty faraway from me now even as I try to recall exactly how I felt then. But looking at where I am now, I can't help but give thanks for the entire process of how I was moulded to be the person I am today. As much as the 5th floor of the once familiar Excelsior Hotel has evolved, we too have changed aplenty over the course of time. Well, yes we're not perfect; in fact, more often than not, we feel quite the opposite don't we? The great hope I have is the God, who took me through the last 15 years and has done so much for me, will "carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" (Phil 1:6)! If that being so, then I'll be overjoyed to be able to say, "Dear Lord, in my life have Your way."
Thursday, January 05, 2006
He makes all things new
Work won't start til 16th Jan, so took time to catch a movie with Daren and Felix today. Watched an arty farty R21 show called "Blood and Bones". I had the idea it was a gory show, end up it's a very sad, violent show and rated so due to sexual content. The show left me with a very melancholic feeling, and the protagonists were so well built up throughout the show it was pure class. Well worth the $7 if you're of the age! Hung around to get Joy and Nat's presents, and in the end, the presents I got are VERY NICE! If you two don't like them, I dun mind trading them with you wahaha.. Got time to testo my new phone too (yes new year calls for new measures, including new gadgets). Not much of a gadget la, it's quite basic. It's the Panasonic VS2, got it for $40 inclusive of trade-in of my old Nokia 6100 model. Very worth it in my opinion, considering the phone sports a pretty workable 1.3megapixel camera.

Living room's mirror rather dirty, sorry bout that

What's barrel distortion? Just look at the shape of my face..

Paiseh dude.. Well, at least you look happy and chirpy!!!

Wa, not bad performance despite the bus being so dark. Overall 3/5 :)
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Post Year End Party 2005
The Decor team was really fantastic, the stars and the little gritty details were just splendid. I'm not quite sure who made up the team but I know Matz and Yizhen were, and a job well done to the entire team! Also, the door gifts were genius. I dunno how long it took you all to do that many bottles of "stuff" but they were really nice. The only gripe about it being that it's fragile and I'm not sure how many got leaky ones. Haha. The logistics were pretty swift and the floor management was precise too, I think we've got wonderful able people who strike a chord with their roles there! Last but not least, to the Body Shop girls and guy, I'm proud of all of you. At your age, I wouldnt even have dared to dream of doing what you all did that night. To offer your skills and perform like that, no matter how imperfect the performance may turn out to be, is super commendable already. Everyone improves along the way, so help one another out. Remember, at the end of the day its the person next to you that matters most, not how perfect the performance ends up.
I counted the heads in the group photo at the end of the party, and the number was 76! That excludes quite a number of those who couldn't come, and our photo-master, Nanaho. The next year IS going to be an exciting one, for each one of us and hence it rolls over into the ministry. I love the atmosphere of cheer, laughter and lovey doveyness about the air last night. And it feels so genuine. Let's bring that kind of atmosphere beyond special dates like Christmas'es, New Year Countdowns and Camps, but each time we meet let us show that kind of special bond we all possess between one another!
On a more personal note, the year 2005 was been somewhat of a hard one for me. One of the toughest but nonetheless perhaps one of the most fruitful. I don't really know what to hope for in the year 2006, my resolutions are somewhat pretty non existent at the moment. The month of December 2005 ends off a busy year for the church in spectacular fashion, with me having a major piece of the pie in almost every event. Has been a busy month, and I'm needing a retreat badly. Both a personal one, and one for leadership in the ministry. It's tough seeking for God's direction over certain things, because "many are the plans in a man's heart, but it's the Lord's purpose that prevails". It takes a whole load of faith to believe in "God's best", and do away with the feeling of being so insignificant to someone who means so much to you.

How not to get high on glucose? Mad chocolate fest..
Only 30 pics shown here, click to see larger version (lines a bit jagged on smaller version). But the total pics count for the night was 269!! Click on the photo album on the right side to view all. Here're 3 videos as well:
1. Body Shop rehearsal (10mb)
2. Body Shop performance (7mb)
3. After party bo-liao'ness (3mb)
I can't end off without saying a huge thanks to my cell members for the CD-ROM and powerpoint presentation. I know time was short, so that made it tougher but I'm really really thankful to Joy, Josh, Joel, Lama, Rach, Cheong mei mei and Nat! Here's the short presentation I got! :)