Wednesday, January 25, 2006

"I want to be your danna"

I just watched Memoirs of a Geisha, and I'm so so glad I did. Oh, I just realized as I was typing the quote in today's title my name's inside. Tsk tsk, no secondary meanings though.

Anyway, I'm just so moved by the show. I love it to bits! The flow, the direction, the camera movement, the acting, the plot, the dialogue, the everything!!! I officially award this movie my best movie watched in the last 365 days. I would like to catch it again to be honest.. TWO THUMBS UP! It also helps that the lead actress is Zhang Ziyi, quite the sweetest actress I know that ever existed. Her younger counterpart is quite sweet too, and two toes up for her acting! I felt so drawn to the lead character that I was perpetually sucked into the current of her story. When she smiled, so too did I. When she laughed, I chuckled with her. When she was sad, I got angry at the people who made her feel that way. When things didn't happened the way she had expected, I gasped the loudest in the theatre.. Oh my, do I sound in love? Haha, crap. Maybe it was just me, perhaps it was Zhang Ziyi. Maybe it was the movie, another fine love story.

"She paints her face to hide her face. Her eyes are deep water. It is not for Geisha to want. It is not for geisha to feel. Geisha is an artist of the floating world. She dances, she sings. She entertains you, whatever you want. The rest is shadows, the rest is secret."


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