It's my last night at New York tonight, and time has past by so fast! Sounds very cliche, but it's so so true. Looking back I feel really really blessed. Might be normal for people in my office, but to me, it's really the grace of God. My first time to New York, and there's really no better way to do it but the way God had allowed me to. Having the company kindly pay for all my accommodations, flight, laundry and food. Not just that but being so generous to this young bum (who also works very hard in return la) and paying him enough to grow so fat in a matter of 2 weeks. I've had the life of my lifetime these 2 weeks and I will look forward to coming back. But I don't think I will ever afford this level of high-class touristy lifestyle on my own. Even if I can some many years later, I don't think I will, because chances are I'll have to pay for a lot my mouths than my own. So, I feel really really blessed. Thank you Lord! (:
Have half a day of work tomorrow to close off as much as I can before I head back. And also show my utmost gratitude to the kind ppl who've been so gracious in making me feel a part of them despite having never seen me before I came over. Then hopefully I can have some rest time in the afternoon before I rush off to JFK for a long flight back. This is my journal for Day 13, and so Day 14-16 will effectively be largely spent on the plane before I pen my journal back at home.
Today. Paramdeep kindly offered me lunch at Olive Garden at 19th Street and it was gooooood. Also gave me a lot of insights on working in New York and his own experiences with the team. After work, we headed off to do some shopping! Cos we happened to be talking about the Wii and he said it costs USD250 over here for the bundle. That's SGD380 where it would cost SGD650 in Singapore!! So I got all excited and we headed to a nearby video game store to check it out. The lady had stock but she only accepts cash, so that was a bit nono for me. We walked up to GameStop at 34th Street and they had no stock. In the end I walked south to 14th street to another GameStop store and found one! I bought it!! The only thing now is that I must buy an adapter/transformer before it can play in SG, but so worth it! Praise God! (:
Ended off the day at Union Square Cafe, on 16th street, where I had my eyes on for a long time. Turns out the place was cool and food was awesome, at a reasonable price too.
Going to test out my Wii now. Hope it works (:
God bless
Friday, August 01, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
New York - Day 12
Hmm, I can smell the end of my trip drawing close. Everyone's talking to me about me going home soon and asking if I had enjoyed the trip, or if I wanted to come back (or some even if I wanted to stay). I've had a good time, but I'm missing my folks and mates back in sunny Singapore! So all in all, glad to be here, glad to go home soon, grateful for having been here. (:
Work is starting to crank up, and I don't see good times ahead even when I return to SG. Think it'll be a very challenging period when I return, until late August to say the least. Multi-projects and I'm hearing more projects requesting for my involvement. Not too good, I've been pretty stressed and stretched before, and I can see the tides coming again.
Anyway, tomorrow will be my last full day working in Credit Suisse New York office. Will bring my trusty camera along to take as many pics as I can, with all the nice ppl ard. Hope can have time to do that though, otherwise Friday will be a mad rush. Wake, work, run ard, pack, cab, fly.
Had dinner tonight at Barbounia, which is supposed to be one of the better Greek, Mediterranean restaurants. The food was a bit weird for my liking. Very sourish, so tastes a bit pukey. So no pics from me for that one. The Greek manager was quite funky though, and he gave a loaf of cheesebread on the house saying,"This goes well with the fish. Try it!" So cool!
Haha, ok updated with some pics at Madison Square Park I took. (:
God bless
Work is starting to crank up, and I don't see good times ahead even when I return to SG. Think it'll be a very challenging period when I return, until late August to say the least. Multi-projects and I'm hearing more projects requesting for my involvement. Not too good, I've been pretty stressed and stretched before, and I can see the tides coming again.
Anyway, tomorrow will be my last full day working in Credit Suisse New York office. Will bring my trusty camera along to take as many pics as I can, with all the nice ppl ard. Hope can have time to do that though, otherwise Friday will be a mad rush. Wake, work, run ard, pack, cab, fly.
Had dinner tonight at Barbounia, which is supposed to be one of the better Greek, Mediterranean restaurants. The food was a bit weird for my liking. Very sourish, so tastes a bit pukey. So no pics from me for that one. The Greek manager was quite funky though, and he gave a loaf of cheesebread on the house saying,"This goes well with the fish. Try it!" So cool!
Haha, ok updated with some pics at Madison Square Park I took. (:
God bless
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
New York - Day 11
Longest day of work today from 8am-8.30pm. I think might haven broken record for the New York project team. Or maybe not. But I think i might have been the last person to leave the office on the level. That will not be possible in SG unless I leave at 12.30am on a non-monthed period.
Anyway, looks like work is piling up, just as I am about to leave. That's not good news, cos that means it'll be likely to spill over to when I return back to SG and means long nights for me. Not to mention the fact that I still have my Asian project to pick up again once I go back. Not looking forward to next few weeks at all. :(
I'm starting to feel very blessed to be given the opportunity to come over, eat like a pig and sleep like a frog prince. Probably not my ideal thing to stay long in New York, so this short trip has really been very very good for me. The people here are great too! Which makes it all the better. Tonight's dinner will be my 3rd last dinner here and starting to miss New York already, especially the food. I have confirm plus chop put on a few pounds here. Ok, honestly, much more than a few. :(
Anyway tried a recommended Italian restaurant today. Hmm.. only so-so for the expensive price. But still good nonetheless. :)
Praise God!
Anyway, looks like work is piling up, just as I am about to leave. That's not good news, cos that means it'll be likely to spill over to when I return back to SG and means long nights for me. Not to mention the fact that I still have my Asian project to pick up again once I go back. Not looking forward to next few weeks at all. :(
I'm starting to feel very blessed to be given the opportunity to come over, eat like a pig and sleep like a frog prince. Probably not my ideal thing to stay long in New York, so this short trip has really been very very good for me. The people here are great too! Which makes it all the better. Tonight's dinner will be my 3rd last dinner here and starting to miss New York already, especially the food. I have confirm plus chop put on a few pounds here. Ok, honestly, much more than a few. :(
Anyway tried a recommended Italian restaurant today. Hmm.. only so-so for the expensive price. But still good nonetheless. :)
Praise God!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
New York - Day 10
I can start counting down the days I've left in New York. Good and bad thing. Think I will miss New York when I go home, the place, the lifestyle and the food. I like this lifestyle actually (:
Anyway finally met up with Bradley for lunch today, and so happy for him. He's really a fast-tracker in terms of career development, having gotten his Vice-Presidency at 28 is really really almost impossible for anyone. Nonetheless, he's so down to earth and brilliant. Nice to hear about his experiences in Raleigh and New York since leaving Singapore.
Ended the day with a visit to Tabla, the mixed American-Indian cuisine on the ground floor of the office. Most expensive place I've been yet, but also quite the best. It's 10/10 for ambience, setting and decor. The food is quite remarkable as well. I was full by the time the main course came along, but I was so tempted by the dessert I continued eating. Not very good, but very satisfying and went home a very very happy man. (:
Imagine this view over Madison Square Park in autumn or snowing winter. And you're sipping the cool wine with your someone special on Christmas eve! Wow!!
With Samsung, it's not that hard to imagine..
Dessert - Vanilla ice cream with Choc bar and caramel sauce.
This one is one to die for.. Really!! I would come again just for this.
Thank God!
Anyway finally met up with Bradley for lunch today, and so happy for him. He's really a fast-tracker in terms of career development, having gotten his Vice-Presidency at 28 is really really almost impossible for anyone. Nonetheless, he's so down to earth and brilliant. Nice to hear about his experiences in Raleigh and New York since leaving Singapore.
Ended the day with a visit to Tabla, the mixed American-Indian cuisine on the ground floor of the office. Most expensive place I've been yet, but also quite the best. It's 10/10 for ambience, setting and decor. The food is quite remarkable as well. I was full by the time the main course came along, but I was so tempted by the dessert I continued eating. Not very good, but very satisfying and went home a very very happy man. (:
With Samsung, it's not that hard to imagine..
This one is one to die for.. Really!! I would come again just for this.
Thank God!
Monday, July 28, 2008
New York - Day 9
The last 24 hrs have been pretty crazy.. Something bad happened to auntie Lei San, and ppl back in Singapore are still trying to ascertain the facts. So pls continue to pray for Rachel and family.
Didn't do much today as thunderstorms over Northeast of the US were expected for much of the day. I spent the entire day glued to the weather channel. Hailstones, heavy downpour and 60mph winds were running through the northeastern states (including New York). Tornadoes and all that too. But I didn't see any. Nonetheless, I chose to can the plans for visiting Wall Street and Liberty island and leaving them to another time instead. So I stayed in the room for most of the day and watched movies off my lappie instead - Hellboy and Little Miss Sunshine. Both were very good indeed.
Topped the day off with a visit to one of the top American Barbeque restaurants and it was indeed fantastic. Will post the pics up tomorrow instead as much rest needed now from the lack of it. (:
God bless
Didn't do much today as thunderstorms over Northeast of the US were expected for much of the day. I spent the entire day glued to the weather channel. Hailstones, heavy downpour and 60mph winds were running through the northeastern states (including New York). Tornadoes and all that too. But I didn't see any. Nonetheless, I chose to can the plans for visiting Wall Street and Liberty island and leaving them to another time instead. So I stayed in the room for most of the day and watched movies off my lappie instead - Hellboy and Little Miss Sunshine. Both were very good indeed.
Topped the day off with a visit to one of the top American Barbeque restaurants and it was indeed fantastic. Will post the pics up tomorrow instead as much rest needed now from the lack of it. (:
God bless
Sunday, July 27, 2008
New York - Day 8
Today was a good and bad day. But feels like overall bad. ):
Firstly, I headed off today for brunch at SoHo - Balthazar. The fluffy Norwegian Eggs and Thick Capuccino was absolutely lovely. It was a great start to the day. Then I started prancing the streets of SoHo, the arty farty and shopping district. Calamity happened when my hand brushed the hand of an afro-american guy, the quite burly kind. His glasses fell to the floor and I prompty apologised before heading my way. Ten seconds later he run up beind me and showed me his glasses, with one cracked lens, before demanding me to pay for his glasses. He didn't really seem the dishonest type but he was very bent on his demands for payment (I guess it's a US thing as well). After a long 20min discussion, with a few calls to opticians on the price of getting lenses fixed, I had to pay him USD $150. To be honest, I felt quite intimidated throughout the episode but I kept praying. In the end as I was finding change for him, I felt a more peace. So I bought him a drink for the troubles and chatted a bit before blessing him. But so much for that, a rather traumatic experience, for the intimidation and cost of it. ):
No matter, that just means less shopping for me. But I checked out the SoHo Kate Spade for Matz and I bought gifts for some people, new trousers and belt for myself. Saw some nice stuff but no size, cos sale items were quite well sold. Then I headed off to Little Italy and Chinatown. Took some pictures, and surprise surprise, I met Bradley, GF and family at, of all places, Chinatown! (:
My walkaround ended early at 3pm and I decided to head to Quality Meats again to try the recommended aged bone-in sirloin, so I went uptown to TimeSquare again. I chanced upon Madamme Tussaud New York and decided to go (my first time to any Madamme Tussaud). It was great fun, and all the figures were amazing life-like. I ended off the tour with a 4-D cinematic experience. Nothing compared to the Japanese ones I must say. The Universal Studios and Disney ones in Japan are so much more 1337 (elite)! Bought some souvenirs again.
Moved up from West 42nd Street and found a Ben & Jerrys! After a long tiring and eventful day, choc ice cream should do some cheering. And it did, the combination of One Cheesecake Brownie and Chocolate Fudge Brownie that is.. But I think the tubbed ones are much better though. Maybe it's just the warm summer air that took its toll on the ice cream. Took a long trip up north along 6th Avenue and Rockefeller Complex to Quality Meats where I had my dinner. The meat was really quality, but the service and ambience, much better. (:
For all it's worth, today has been a very costly day for me. I'm back early at 7.40pm to relax, then worship the Lord and feel safe, that everything is in His arms, again. Jesus I need you, I've been reminded today and I love You.
Firstly, I headed off today for brunch at SoHo - Balthazar. The fluffy Norwegian Eggs and Thick Capuccino was absolutely lovely. It was a great start to the day. Then I started prancing the streets of SoHo, the arty farty and shopping district. Calamity happened when my hand brushed the hand of an afro-american guy, the quite burly kind. His glasses fell to the floor and I prompty apologised before heading my way. Ten seconds later he run up beind me and showed me his glasses, with one cracked lens, before demanding me to pay for his glasses. He didn't really seem the dishonest type but he was very bent on his demands for payment (I guess it's a US thing as well). After a long 20min discussion, with a few calls to opticians on the price of getting lenses fixed, I had to pay him USD $150. To be honest, I felt quite intimidated throughout the episode but I kept praying. In the end as I was finding change for him, I felt a more peace. So I bought him a drink for the troubles and chatted a bit before blessing him. But so much for that, a rather traumatic experience, for the intimidation and cost of it. ):
No matter, that just means less shopping for me. But I checked out the SoHo Kate Spade for Matz and I bought gifts for some people, new trousers and belt for myself. Saw some nice stuff but no size, cos sale items were quite well sold. Then I headed off to Little Italy and Chinatown. Took some pictures, and surprise surprise, I met Bradley, GF and family at, of all places, Chinatown! (:
My walkaround ended early at 3pm and I decided to head to Quality Meats again to try the recommended aged bone-in sirloin, so I went uptown to TimeSquare again. I chanced upon Madamme Tussaud New York and decided to go (my first time to any Madamme Tussaud). It was great fun, and all the figures were amazing life-like. I ended off the tour with a 4-D cinematic experience. Nothing compared to the Japanese ones I must say. The Universal Studios and Disney ones in Japan are so much more 1337 (elite)! Bought some souvenirs again.
Moved up from West 42nd Street and found a Ben & Jerrys! After a long tiring and eventful day, choc ice cream should do some cheering. And it did, the combination of One Cheesecake Brownie and Chocolate Fudge Brownie that is.. But I think the tubbed ones are much better though. Maybe it's just the warm summer air that took its toll on the ice cream. Took a long trip up north along 6th Avenue and Rockefeller Complex to Quality Meats where I had my dinner. The meat was really quality, but the service and ambience, much better. (:
For all it's worth, today has been a very costly day for me. I'm back early at 7.40pm to relax, then worship the Lord and feel safe, that everything is in His arms, again. Jesus I need you, I've been reminded today and I love You.
Psalm 91
1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust."
Saturday, July 26, 2008
New York - Day 7
Thank God it's Friday! Really!! Couldn't wait and now it's finally here. Have some plans, but nothing concrete. Colleagues gave me some fanciful ideas like going to Niagra falls, DC, Woodbury and such. But I think I will take the time to relax and check out the rest of Manhattan. Most imptly the food. I'm almost here on a food parade. Haha, I realize I've been missing out on the shopping. (:
Speaking of food, today has been a fantastic food day. Breakfast today has been one of my happiest breakfasts in office yet. Why? Cos it's sweet succulent fresh donuts with Starbucks coffee!! Wa, so happy!! (:
I skipped lunch cos I was very busy today. Sigh, but more than made up for it during dinner. Very very fresh Codfish with Riesling and Cheese puffs. Excellent stuff, the fish was fantastic!
Anyway, zoom zoom weekend already. Will try to have more fun for you guys, just so the blog will be more interesting. Pls pray for my safety and stay tuned to next update.
God bless,
Speaking of food, today has been a fantastic food day. Breakfast today has been one of my happiest breakfasts in office yet. Why? Cos it's sweet succulent fresh donuts with Starbucks coffee!! Wa, so happy!! (:
I skipped lunch cos I was very busy today. Sigh, but more than made up for it during dinner. Very very fresh Codfish with Riesling and Cheese puffs. Excellent stuff, the fish was fantastic!
Anyway, zoom zoom weekend already. Will try to have more fun for you guys, just so the blog will be more interesting. Pls pray for my safety and stay tuned to next update.
God bless,
Friday, July 25, 2008
New York - Day 6
My oh my.. Most boring day of work so far. Just waiting for ppl to reply emails, get busy for an hour or so, then wait for emails again! Arrgghh.
Oh well, ended the day off at one of the better Mexican diners in Manhattan - Dos Caminos! It was great food man. I had guacamole, ribeye steak on skewers and magaritas. All recommended and good!
Friday's coming real soon (for me, it's already here for you guys). (:
Good night!
Oh well, ended the day off at one of the better Mexican diners in Manhattan - Dos Caminos! It was great food man. I had guacamole, ribeye steak on skewers and magaritas. All recommended and good!
Friday's coming real soon (for me, it's already here for you guys). (:
Good night!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
New York - Day 5
My entries are getting so boring, i wonder who's reading. Anyway, it's a short one today.
I made myself sleep at more realistic timings in order to force my body to adhere to New York hours. I was watching Alexander, which was uber boring, and I kept falling asleep. But I forced myself to stay up until then end of the show, about 11pm, before I let myself sleep. Ended sleeping til 6.20am, and felt sleepy, which was way more realistic than 9-10pm sleeps and 4.30am wake times. More meetings today, and was a bit stressful, but I think all-in-all went pretty well. Highlight of the day was my adventure to Shea Stadium, in Queens for a live Mets vs. Phillies baseball game!! My first baseball game and it was quite cool, especially since I ventured out of Manhattan by myself in Queens to catch the game. Tickets sponsored by the Sports committee from Credit Suisse New York. (:
Good fun today. And I got to met Bradley, at the Mets game, whom you would recall was in my Jan-Mar 2006 entries. He was in Singapore Credit Suisse by came over to the US in July 2006, and has been here since. Was suppose to surprise him as part of my New York trip but he found me first tonight. Shucks! Hope we can catch up soon.
Left the game early, didnt want to be caught with the crowd on subway.
So grabbed my late dinner (10.15pm) at a cafe near my hotel.
It's Chinese for Dinner! Quite ok la, and relatively cheap.
Costs less than 1/2 price of what I've been eating. (:
I made myself sleep at more realistic timings in order to force my body to adhere to New York hours. I was watching Alexander, which was uber boring, and I kept falling asleep. But I forced myself to stay up until then end of the show, about 11pm, before I let myself sleep. Ended sleeping til 6.20am, and felt sleepy, which was way more realistic than 9-10pm sleeps and 4.30am wake times. More meetings today, and was a bit stressful, but I think all-in-all went pretty well. Highlight of the day was my adventure to Shea Stadium, in Queens for a live Mets vs. Phillies baseball game!! My first baseball game and it was quite cool, especially since I ventured out of Manhattan by myself in Queens to catch the game. Tickets sponsored by the Sports committee from Credit Suisse New York. (:
Good fun today. And I got to met Bradley, at the Mets game, whom you would recall was in my Jan-Mar 2006 entries. He was in Singapore Credit Suisse by came over to the US in July 2006, and has been here since. Was suppose to surprise him as part of my New York trip but he found me first tonight. Shucks! Hope we can catch up soon.
So grabbed my late dinner (10.15pm) at a cafe near my hotel.
Costs less than 1/2 price of what I've been eating. (:
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