Thursday, December 22, 2005

Narnia explained

Yesterday, I got to watch Chronicles of Narnia organised by Shalom with Zihan, Joey, Rachel, Rochelle, Manna, Tim, Nat and Algene. I had no idea what the overall storyline was like, but I know there'll be a parallel drawn between Christianity and the story. As I sat there and watch, bits and pieces of the story became clear to me that they were extracted from the bible, as C. S. Lewis had intended them to be. Honestly, I almost teared watching the show. It's quite a fantastic show really. For those who intend to catch Narnia, don't read any further cos there are SPOILERS ahead. :)

The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe was written by C.S. Lewis to help people better understand the meaning of Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. Even though he was a university professor, Lewis wrote this delightful story in the simplicity of a children’s story. Lewis’ life had been transformed by Jesus and he wanted others to share in that experience.

The story is about the four Pevensie children, who enter through the door of a “wardrobe” into the wonderful world of Narnia. The two girls are called “the daughters of Eve,” and the boys are called “sons of Adam,” just as we all are. Humans are all descendants of Adam and Eve. These four children represent what is good and not-so-good in each of us.

LUCY - Queen Lucy the Valiant
Lucy is the youngest of the four Pevensie children. She is always kind, cheerful, and very brave. She is the first of the children to venture into Narnia. She is very optimistic, the exact opposite of her skeptical brother Edmund. She is an example of compassion, which means putting others first. This selflessness is demonstrated when Lucy makes a special drink to heal the wounded who fought the Witch’s troops.

SUSAN - Queen Susan the Gentle
Susan is the second-oldest child. She and her sister are called “the daughters of Eve.” Her beauty is derived from her sweet kindness. Like her sister, Lucy, Susan uses what is given her to help others.

EDMUND - The Willful Brat
Edmund is the third-oldest Pevensie child. He is a mean, spiteful brat who enjoys teasing his sister Lucy. He is an example of how sinful greed, in this case for the enchanted Turkish Delight, leads one down a very destructive path. He joins forces with the evil White Witch and betrays his own brother and sisters. He represents all of us in our drift away from God. Fortunately, he eventually changes his ways and is forgiven.

PETER - High King of Narnia
Peter is the oldest. He and his brother are termed “the sons of Adam.” He is noble and courageous. He protected his sister Susan from a fierce wolf at the risk of his own life. With his good character, he quickly matures into a young man in Narnia. King Aslan rewards him by crowning him “King Peter the Magnificent!” He represents the wonderful image of God that we are all born with.

There was also a part where the leader of the wolves told him,"Go back! This is not your fight. Leave Narnia and you'll be safe." To me, it was a representation of Satan's temptation of the Son of Man (Jesus). The humanity of Jesus would certainly feel that it was not His fight, and it would be so much easier to abandon the path of suffering He needed to tread down in comparison to a long life of prosperity. But Jesus didn't waver and He stood His ground, as did Peter.

THE WHITE WITCH - The Evil Queen of Narnia
The White Witch is very evil and represents Satan. She places a spell on the land so that it is always winter (a symbol of death). She prevents Christmas (a symbol of Christ’s arrival). The Witch is the “Emperor’s hangman,” using her wand to turn creatures and people to stone. She also produces the delicious Turkish Delight treat (which represents sin and its appeal). Through it she enslaves Edmund and transforms him into a greedy, voracious boy.

ASLAN - The Noble Lion King
Firstly, "Aslan" means Lion in Turkish. Aslan the lion is the king and god of Narnia, and he represents Jesus Christ - the Lion of Judah. He sacrifices his life so that the White Witch will spare Edmund. And he said this,"Fortunately, the witch doesnt know the true meaning of sacrifice". The very thing Jesus did for us all. The next morning when he is resurrected, having overpowered death, he defeats the White Witch once and for all.

The Stone Table represents the stone tablets that contained the Ten Commandments, which God gave to Moses. It was part of the old set of promises between God and his people, a relationship based on law-keeping, with harsh penalties for disobedience. When Aslan is resurrected from death, the Stone Table is shattered, bringing an end of the former age and the birth of a new era based on grace, forgiveness, and restoration. The creatures and people who had been turned to stone were made alive again. Aslan defeated death, making forgiveness and new life available to all.

The Important Connection
Although the story of Narnia has many similarities to the story of Jesus, there are also some differences. For example, Aslan sacrificed his life to save only Edmund. But Christ gave His life to save everyone. Aslan takes on the punishment for Edmund’s sin so that Edmund can live. Christ came so that all might be free from sin and experience eternal life with God.
Adapted from

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