Leaving my house in 3 hours time. Am I supposed to feel excited? I guess so right? But I strangely miss everything that will be going on in Singapore too, especially Sat service and Secell. Fancy me flying off for 2 weeks at a crucial time to the ministry and service, but no worries as there are people far more capable that will continue with the spearheading of the ministry. I AM excited about Sydney, but a tad apprehensive too. I just dont quite know what to expect of this trip.
Anyway, I don't think I'm covered with travel insurance for this trip, so in case anything happens to me and I dont get to find my way back for the next tens of years, living with a volleyball called wilson on some deserted island. Here're my tentative last words for you guys:
Family: Thanks for everything. Please feel free to vacate my room and rent it out for more income. David don't play so much games.. Mom, Dad please be more strict with him. Make him study!
ESL's: All the best for saturday service, no worries about me. Sorry I wont get to see your daughters, and feel free to name them all Danielle. Our ministry will grow so please prepare to look into a new venue for sat service soon. I mean it..
Philip + Arjun: You guys r0x0r. You folks may have the liberty of selling my laptop and other gadgets for charity. Arjun please move into my room so Philip won't be so lonely. Just be ready to bring more cash for meals thats all. Oh yes, hope you guys get to visit my church sometime (with or without me).
Tsidkenu Cell Group: Please note the spelling of the group name! No apostrophe hor. Love you guys and girls. Sorry I wont be your cell leader no more, hope someone will rise up to take my place. Do your TAGs daily even when I'm not around to remind u all okie?
Secellites: Dun mess up the Secell room on saturdays! Remember each one of you are greatly blessed, highly favoured, deeply loved. And we're blest2bless..
Youths: Catch the passion, and bring it to your workplace, school, army camp! The blessings of God come to us, so that it may go through us and to the people whom have yet to know Jesus.
Church: We ARE a church on fire. And not let anyone convince us otherwise. Let us love one another as Christ has loved us, so that all men will know (and hence verify) we are His disciples.
Friends: You have my sympathies that you've just lost a great friend. Not to worry, believe in the Lord Jesus, and I'll see you in Heaven not too far in the future!
Sorry if I've missed anyone out. If you know me somewhat, no matter how little, I thank God for allowing us to cross paths, and thanks for moulding my life one way or another. BUT, if all goes well, I should be back on the 13th July. Cheerio~!
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Monday, June 27, 2005
Orange Head!
Went to City Square shopping centre today. In case you're wondering if City Square is somewhere near Suntec, erm it's in Johor! Haha.. Went there to shop for some clothes, shoes and also to get my haircut. Of cos no sane dude will go alone, Philip and Agent Yellow joined in the fun as well. The trip was actually meant for 3 of us to have some fun together since we hardly got to go out together since the holidays started, but ended up I did most of the shopping, and came back with the most new stuffs. I feel very bad. Bad man begins..
My head is orange now. The hairdresser had recommended a nice shade of brown on my hair together, and I thought it was pretty fine too. She said she'll add a lighter shade cos I'll be putting gel anyway and it'll show up just fine. Well erm, obviously she either lied to me or she thought I use ultra-super-duper a lot of gel on my hair cos my head is orange!! Aiyoh.
Ah anyway, putting my head aside, the day has been pretty relaxing. Shopped for a few new clothes and a pair of new shoes. We had time to catch my first overseas movie - Initial D in "Mega Pavilion". You know what? The movies costs only RM10.00 over there and that's inclusive of weekend rates! On Tuesday (which is movie day) the rate drops to an astonish RM6.00!! That means SGD$2.XX! Figured out that if you stay near Kranji, take $0.80 of busride to City Square and catch a movie on Tuesday.. You end up spending half of the amount you would normally pay to catch a movie at Causeway Point. Very very "diao-wooooooo". What's more? The theatre I was in had a HUGE digital screen and the sound system was shiok. Yep, you probably guessed, I enjoyed the movie like nuts. I had wanted to video the commercials in the theatre to show you lovely viewers what kind of adverts/trailers M'sia cinemas had but erm.. didn't want to be thought of as a pirate.
About the movie, it was really really funny. I had followed the Initial D anime since 1999 and I never remembered it to be this funny. Those HK dudes can really crack things up, at the expense of some of the characters though. For those who follow closely to the anime, you can probably expect some twists to the original. After all, you can't expect 2 seasons of anime to be squeezed perfectly into a movie right? But go catch it, even if you aren't a fan. For the excellent cinematography and the humour. If you're a fan, then you owe it to yourself to catch the closest real life drifting you can get to those CG cars in the original anime. Awesome!! :)
PS: It was worth every ringgit. Haha..
PPS: The link below leads to a cute video clip of yesterday's girls trying to synchro their "hug" saying goodbyes.
Click here to see it!
As requested by Jason, my orange head!

Doesnt look that orangey eh. Must be the Gatsby doing its stuff!
My head is orange now. The hairdresser had recommended a nice shade of brown on my hair together, and I thought it was pretty fine too. She said she'll add a lighter shade cos I'll be putting gel anyway and it'll show up just fine. Well erm, obviously she either lied to me or she thought I use ultra-super-duper a lot of gel on my hair cos my head is orange!! Aiyoh.
Ah anyway, putting my head aside, the day has been pretty relaxing. Shopped for a few new clothes and a pair of new shoes. We had time to catch my first overseas movie - Initial D in "Mega Pavilion". You know what? The movies costs only RM10.00 over there and that's inclusive of weekend rates! On Tuesday (which is movie day) the rate drops to an astonish RM6.00!! That means SGD$2.XX! Figured out that if you stay near Kranji, take $0.80 of busride to City Square and catch a movie on Tuesday.. You end up spending half of the amount you would normally pay to catch a movie at Causeway Point. Very very "diao-wooooooo". What's more? The theatre I was in had a HUGE digital screen and the sound system was shiok. Yep, you probably guessed, I enjoyed the movie like nuts. I had wanted to video the commercials in the theatre to show you lovely viewers what kind of adverts/trailers M'sia cinemas had but erm.. didn't want to be thought of as a pirate.
About the movie, it was really really funny. I had followed the Initial D anime since 1999 and I never remembered it to be this funny. Those HK dudes can really crack things up, at the expense of some of the characters though. For those who follow closely to the anime, you can probably expect some twists to the original. After all, you can't expect 2 seasons of anime to be squeezed perfectly into a movie right? But go catch it, even if you aren't a fan. For the excellent cinematography and the humour. If you're a fan, then you owe it to yourself to catch the closest real life drifting you can get to those CG cars in the original anime. Awesome!! :)
PS: It was worth every ringgit. Haha..
PPS: The link below leads to a cute video clip of yesterday's girls trying to synchro their "hug" saying goodbyes.
Click here to see it!
As requested by Jason, my orange head!

Doesnt look that orangey eh. Must be the Gatsby doing its stuff!
Good news!
It's been reported that not one, not two, but 7 youth have died in East Coast Carpark F2's beach around 4pm today. But they're now living a better life, destined for a better place! Congrats all you guys. ^^
I'll have to cut the story short today, cos I'm off to JB early in the morning. After baptism, OCX, Karen and myself went to visit baby Jodie, the offspring of Lishan and Cornelius at AMK. She looks sooo cute, and fragile. Don't dare to touch too much, not to mention carry. Then after that, we stopped over at Karen's for a quick rest before heading off to AIrport to see Syl-vyn, Gail and Vanessa off for their 17 days of fun in Australia! Some tears, but I wont say who. Mel was there by the way, Algene and auntie Viona too.
Alright I'll let the pics do the talking. The ES pic is extra large for those who wanna use as wallpaper. The rest of the day's photos (200 of them) are in my photo album accessible on the right side menu. :)
I'll have to cut the story short today, cos I'm off to JB early in the morning. After baptism, OCX, Karen and myself went to visit baby Jodie, the offspring of Lishan and Cornelius at AMK. She looks sooo cute, and fragile. Don't dare to touch too much, not to mention carry. Then after that, we stopped over at Karen's for a quick rest before heading off to AIrport to see Syl-vyn, Gail and Vanessa off for their 17 days of fun in Australia! Some tears, but I wont say who. Mel was there by the way, Algene and auntie Viona too.
Alright I'll let the pics do the talking. The ES pic is extra large for those who wanna use as wallpaper. The rest of the day's photos (200 of them) are in my photo album accessible on the right side menu. :)
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Phoney Balony
Just ordered a new phone. Quite chic! Nothing much of an upgrade from my current phone (the ancient Nokia 6100). I liked my 6100 so much, the one I'm holding onto now happens to be my THIRD Nokia 6100. Haha, yeah you heard me right!
Unfortunately for Nokia, I've decided on clamshells some time back, so I've told myself my next phone has gotta look chic and have a clamshell form. After months of waiting, I finally find a good deal and a good phone design to boot - Motorola Razr V3! But its not much of an upgrade in terms of features, except for a rather useless (to me) camera phone for attaching photos to each person in my phonebook.

Read more about the phone
Anyway the phone is on its way to my house now, but delivery date set at 30th June. Will push for Singtelshop to deliver it to my place by 29th June before I leave for Sydney, ah I can't wait. Comes with free HP Photosmart Printer through a special deal somemore. Arghh, I'm a gadget freak! Mooohahahahaaha.. *choke choke*.. My bank account.. *choke choke*..
Update (28 June): Singtel wont be able to deliver it before my flight. I'll have to cancel the deal and relook into the phone purchase when I return! :)
Unfortunately for Nokia, I've decided on clamshells some time back, so I've told myself my next phone has gotta look chic and have a clamshell form. After months of waiting, I finally find a good deal and a good phone design to boot - Motorola Razr V3! But its not much of an upgrade in terms of features, except for a rather useless (to me) camera phone for attaching photos to each person in my phonebook.

Read more about the phone
Anyway the phone is on its way to my house now, but delivery date set at 30th June. Will push for Singtelshop to deliver it to my place by 29th June before I leave for Sydney, ah I can't wait. Comes with free HP Photosmart Printer through a special deal somemore. Arghh, I'm a gadget freak! Mooohahahahaaha.. *choke choke*.. My bank account.. *choke choke*..
Update (28 June): Singtel wont be able to deliver it before my flight. I'll have to cancel the deal and relook into the phone purchase when I return! :)
Friday, June 24, 2005
Love Reunion
Hello everyone, and thanks for tuning into Life's Never A Bore once more. Oh well well, what do you know.. an accidental rhyme - "Bore once more"! Oh hohoho. For today's reality show, we've a very promising and very dramatic storyline waiting to unfold~! Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight's show.. "Love Reunion"
Alright, the story continues from where we had left off more than 4 months ago when our protagonist, Mr Jonathan Wong, takes a long ride on the big bird to the great Down Under. He cooked, washed and further developed his domestic talents in Perth, much to the disdain of our female lead, Ms Winter-Melanie Wong, who was still residing in SG. But love was no easy foe to defeat as 4 months had past, and now we've decided it was time for the 2 love birds to meet! What better setting than to continue from where it had left off.. Changi Airport!
What will happen? How will the story progress? Are the calafares cute? Stay tuned..

Dear folks, presenting to you.. the female lead - Ms. Rock-Melanie Wong! The smile hides the anxiety, the fear, the adrenaline and most of all the suspense.

And also.. Calafare #1! No credits necessary as calafare is underpaid.
What obstacles await Ms. Wong and Calafare #1? Stay tuned and watch.. "Love Reunion Episode #1 - The race to Jonny" (Click for Movie before you read on). The power of love was so great, our camera man could hardly catch up!
Will our cameraman falter? Will the efforts of Ms. Wong and Calafare #1 be in vain? Find out in.. "Love Reunion Episode #2 - Are we there yet?" (Click for Movie before you read on).
Oh wait, we've a new character in the story now. He's Calafare #2! How does Ms. Wong intend to receive Mr. Wong, along with her two calafares? Will it be champagne? Confetti's and poppers? You'll know when you catch.. "Love Reunion Episode #3 - The Plan" (Click for Movie before you read on).
The set up is on. The crew are in position. The camera is rolling. Now just where is Jonny Wong? Nowhere in sight. Oh wait!! I think there he is.. "Love Reunion Episode #4 - Where's Melanie?" (Click for Movie before you read on). Oh the first thing Jonny Wong unwittingly asks as he pushed his luggage was "Where's Melanie?" Looks like it'll be a happy ending! Viewers expecting a soap opera finishing, get ready to be disappointed.
The surprise is popped! Thinking Mel was not around, Jonny pushes his luggage in dismay, when suddenly, Melanie appears from behind to give Jon an emphatic smack on the shoulders and a conservative hug! No kisses though, but still worth watching as our 2 calafares cheered from the sidelines, totally ignored in the moment of bliss by our protagonists. Wondering why the detailed description? Cos our cameraman was so in awe in the atmosphere of love, he totally forgot to on his camera. *runs away*.. A second take was requested, and here it is.. "Love Reunion Concluding Episode #5 - Can undo?" (Click for Movie before you read on). Those expecting a juicy NC16 ending, also get ready to be disappointed. LoLx
Well, we hope you've enjoyed it as much as we've in producing the reality show. A happy cheer it was, and the crew and casts set out to celebrate on a happy reunion and blissful conclusion to our programme!

The 2 leads celebrating!

Jonny takes time to thank his 2 calafares.
Alright, the story continues from where we had left off more than 4 months ago when our protagonist, Mr Jonathan Wong, takes a long ride on the big bird to the great Down Under. He cooked, washed and further developed his domestic talents in Perth, much to the disdain of our female lead, Ms Winter-Melanie Wong, who was still residing in SG. But love was no easy foe to defeat as 4 months had past, and now we've decided it was time for the 2 love birds to meet! What better setting than to continue from where it had left off.. Changi Airport!
What will happen? How will the story progress? Are the calafares cute? Stay tuned..

Dear folks, presenting to you.. the female lead - Ms. Rock-Melanie Wong! The smile hides the anxiety, the fear, the adrenaline and most of all the suspense.

And also.. Calafare #1! No credits necessary as calafare is underpaid.
What obstacles await Ms. Wong and Calafare #1? Stay tuned and watch.. "Love Reunion Episode #1 - The race to Jonny" (Click for Movie before you read on). The power of love was so great, our camera man could hardly catch up!
Will our cameraman falter? Will the efforts of Ms. Wong and Calafare #1 be in vain? Find out in.. "Love Reunion Episode #2 - Are we there yet?" (Click for Movie before you read on).
Oh wait, we've a new character in the story now. He's Calafare #2! How does Ms. Wong intend to receive Mr. Wong, along with her two calafares? Will it be champagne? Confetti's and poppers? You'll know when you catch.. "Love Reunion Episode #3 - The Plan" (Click for Movie before you read on).
The set up is on. The crew are in position. The camera is rolling. Now just where is Jonny Wong? Nowhere in sight. Oh wait!! I think there he is.. "Love Reunion Episode #4 - Where's Melanie?" (Click for Movie before you read on). Oh the first thing Jonny Wong unwittingly asks as he pushed his luggage was "Where's Melanie?" Looks like it'll be a happy ending! Viewers expecting a soap opera finishing, get ready to be disappointed.
The surprise is popped! Thinking Mel was not around, Jonny pushes his luggage in dismay, when suddenly, Melanie appears from behind to give Jon an emphatic smack on the shoulders and a conservative hug! No kisses though, but still worth watching as our 2 calafares cheered from the sidelines, totally ignored in the moment of bliss by our protagonists. Wondering why the detailed description? Cos our cameraman was so in awe in the atmosphere of love, he totally forgot to on his camera. *runs away*.. A second take was requested, and here it is.. "Love Reunion Concluding Episode #5 - Can undo?" (Click for Movie before you read on). Those expecting a juicy NC16 ending, also get ready to be disappointed. LoLx
Well, we hope you've enjoyed it as much as we've in producing the reality show. A happy cheer it was, and the crew and casts set out to celebrate on a happy reunion and blissful conclusion to our programme!

The 2 leads celebrating!

Jonny takes time to thank his 2 calafares.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Cookie Monsters
Woke up early this morning to finish off what I had left to do of my work. I've officially retired from part-time work, either that or I had requested for retrenchment. I'll probably put up pieces of what I had accomplished and learnt tomorrow, and update on today for now.
I was late for the mini-gathering today. Was totally frustrated by the fact that a simple email could not be sent out to complete my work in the morning. I was delayed for 1hr just cos I needed to send an important email, and the server kept jamming up on me. Wasn't a good feeling, cos I dun really like being late, what more an hour late. Reached Toa Payoh at 12.10pm instead of the stipulated 11pm, and headed off to Dynasty Travel to get my Australian Visa. Quite crappy, having to pay $10 for a small strip of paper I could have otherwise printed out myself. Wonder what's the purpose of a Visa like that? At least my Thailand Visa's look more impressive.
Ladies and Gentlemen, for your information, Toa Payoh central has 2 Giordano's. And both in ridiculously close proximity. Why the emphasize Dan? Becos I was supposed to find the rest in a kopitiam near Giordano and I ended up pacing around the wrong one! ARGGGHHHHHH.. So much for a frustrating morning. Was glad to see everyone in the end though. :)
Okie, I can't find fanciful words cos I'm tired, very tired actually. Anyway, we spent the rest of the afternoon at Eliz's house which is Tim's house, also Jon Lee's house, not forgetting Auntie Betty's house, which is actually Uncle Kim Song's house. We nua'ed for awhile, deciding on what DVD to catch. Was supposed to watch some bogus show which I now have forgotten what. We initially had wanted to watch a trailer in the disc before the actual show and got hooked on the trailer instead! Pacifier by Vin Diesel it was. Cookie making began after the show, and whilst the dough was baking, we caught Coach Carter. Which was a really nice show in the end. Though I still would have preferred a comedy for the occasion!
Zipped off to buy a portable hard drive in City Hall, before Train'ing to Raffles Place for my TOTS meeting. Tried to find a place from Lau Pa Sat to Caltex house, then finally to BK under OUB. And now I'm home.. dog tired.
Enjoy a few pics up for tonight, and I'll try to get some movie clips taken in Eliz's house up later. Sorry bout the limited pics though, more will be in my photo album.
I was late for the mini-gathering today. Was totally frustrated by the fact that a simple email could not be sent out to complete my work in the morning. I was delayed for 1hr just cos I needed to send an important email, and the server kept jamming up on me. Wasn't a good feeling, cos I dun really like being late, what more an hour late. Reached Toa Payoh at 12.10pm instead of the stipulated 11pm, and headed off to Dynasty Travel to get my Australian Visa. Quite crappy, having to pay $10 for a small strip of paper I could have otherwise printed out myself. Wonder what's the purpose of a Visa like that? At least my Thailand Visa's look more impressive.
Ladies and Gentlemen, for your information, Toa Payoh central has 2 Giordano's. And both in ridiculously close proximity. Why the emphasize Dan? Becos I was supposed to find the rest in a kopitiam near Giordano and I ended up pacing around the wrong one! ARGGGHHHHHH.. So much for a frustrating morning. Was glad to see everyone in the end though. :)
Okie, I can't find fanciful words cos I'm tired, very tired actually. Anyway, we spent the rest of the afternoon at Eliz's house which is Tim's house, also Jon Lee's house, not forgetting Auntie Betty's house, which is actually Uncle Kim Song's house. We nua'ed for awhile, deciding on what DVD to catch. Was supposed to watch some bogus show which I now have forgotten what. We initially had wanted to watch a trailer in the disc before the actual show and got hooked on the trailer instead! Pacifier by Vin Diesel it was. Cookie making began after the show, and whilst the dough was baking, we caught Coach Carter. Which was a really nice show in the end. Though I still would have preferred a comedy for the occasion!
Zipped off to buy a portable hard drive in City Hall, before Train'ing to Raffles Place for my TOTS meeting. Tried to find a place from Lau Pa Sat to Caltex house, then finally to BK under OUB. And now I'm home.. dog tired.
Enjoy a few pics up for tonight, and I'll try to get some movie clips taken in Eliz's house up later. Sorry bout the limited pics though, more will be in my photo album.
Movies are up!!
#1 - Prelude to Pacifier
#2 - Auntie POWER!
#3 - Zihan strikes back
"2 eyes, 2 nostrils and 2 ears. Though you only see one now.."![]() | Awww.. aint that cute![]() | |
Brown, before they turned black![]() | A bit abstract you think?![]() | "D", "Cookie Man" & "J"![]() |
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Weekend Over..
It's all but been a dull weekend. Very very tiring for me.. I had to zoom around Singapore to sell bits and pieces of my camera, catch late night movies, prepare sharing for Secell and prepare for Saturday service. But all well worth the effort. Lots of things to iron out, but it's really great to have the support of the adults and parents in this service! The turnout last night was awesome. Full until folks had to stand up behind, curious onlookers from our bilingual service. Haha..
Anyway, been having a tendency to stone a bit, stare into space and ponder. Plus the fact that I caught a strange cold this morning, despite the warmth in the air. Quite uncomfortable now, with an irritating runny nose and feeling a little goggy. Went through worship practice with that blocked nose and having to blow my nose every verse isn't really fun. Probably a little injustice to everyone cos I wasn't able to think straight with all that mucus in my channels. But I'm excited nonetheless, for the coming Saturday! :)
If it's any consolation to my current state now, I've 2 ultra-hyper-uber-super-duper nice durians waiting in the kitchen for me. For I'm convinced neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be to separate me from those 2 lovely spikeballs.
Oh yes, I've brought me new camera out for a spin today. Not bad not bad at all.. :)
Anyway, been having a tendency to stone a bit, stare into space and ponder. Plus the fact that I caught a strange cold this morning, despite the warmth in the air. Quite uncomfortable now, with an irritating runny nose and feeling a little goggy. Went through worship practice with that blocked nose and having to blow my nose every verse isn't really fun. Probably a little injustice to everyone cos I wasn't able to think straight with all that mucus in my channels. But I'm excited nonetheless, for the coming Saturday! :)
If it's any consolation to my current state now, I've 2 ultra-hyper-uber-super-duper nice durians waiting in the kitchen for me. For I'm convinced neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be to separate me from those 2 lovely spikeballs.
Oh yes, I've brought me new camera out for a spin today. Not bad not bad at all.. :)
Friday, June 17, 2005
In this season of mourning, let's share some happiness amidst some cutesy pics.

David kidnaps Asher before Rachel was pregnant.

If you know, dun say it out. Actually quite obvious..

It's not me.. Its my evil twin!

David kidnaps Asher before Rachel was pregnant.

If you know, dun say it out. Actually quite obvious..

It's not me.. Its my evil twin!
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