My head is orange now. The hairdresser had recommended a nice shade of brown on my hair together, and I thought it was pretty fine too. She said she'll add a lighter shade cos I'll be putting gel anyway and it'll show up just fine. Well erm, obviously she either lied to me or she thought I use ultra-super-duper a lot of gel on my hair cos my head is orange!! Aiyoh.
Ah anyway, putting my head aside, the day has been pretty relaxing. Shopped for a few new clothes and a pair of new shoes. We had time to catch my first overseas movie - Initial D in "Mega Pavilion". You know what? The movies costs only RM10.00 over there and that's inclusive of weekend rates! On Tuesday (which is movie day) the rate drops to an astonish RM6.00!! That means SGD$2.XX! Figured out that if you stay near Kranji, take $0.80 of busride to City Square and catch a movie on Tuesday.. You end up spending half of the amount you would normally pay to catch a movie at Causeway Point. Very very "diao-wooooooo". What's more? The theatre I was in had a HUGE digital screen and the sound system was shiok. Yep, you probably guessed, I enjoyed the movie like nuts. I had wanted to video the commercials in the theatre to show you lovely viewers what kind of adverts/trailers M'sia cinemas had but erm.. didn't want to be thought of as a pirate.
About the movie, it was really really funny. I had followed the Initial D anime since 1999 and I never remembered it to be this funny. Those HK dudes can really crack things up, at the expense of some of the characters though. For those who follow closely to the anime, you can probably expect some twists to the original. After all, you can't expect 2 seasons of anime to be squeezed perfectly into a movie right? But go catch it, even if you aren't a fan. For the excellent cinematography and the humour. If you're a fan, then you owe it to yourself to catch the closest real life drifting you can get to those CG cars in the original anime. Awesome!! :)
PS: It was worth every ringgit. Haha..
PPS: The link below leads to a cute video clip of yesterday's girls trying to synchro their "hug" saying goodbyes.
Click here to see it!
As requested by Jason, my orange head!

Doesnt look that orangey eh. Must be the Gatsby doing its stuff!
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