Sunday, June 19, 2005

Weekend Over..

It's all but been a dull weekend. Very very tiring for me.. I had to zoom around Singapore to sell bits and pieces of my camera, catch late night movies, prepare sharing for Secell and prepare for Saturday service. But all well worth the effort. Lots of things to iron out, but it's really great to have the support of the adults and parents in this service! The turnout last night was awesome. Full until folks had to stand up behind, curious onlookers from our bilingual service. Haha..

Anyway, been having a tendency to stone a bit, stare into space and ponder. Plus the fact that I caught a strange cold this morning, despite the warmth in the air. Quite uncomfortable now, with an irritating runny nose and feeling a little goggy. Went through worship practice with that blocked nose and having to blow my nose every verse isn't really fun. Probably a little injustice to everyone cos I wasn't able to think straight with all that mucus in my channels. But I'm excited nonetheless, for the coming Saturday! :)

If it's any consolation to my current state now, I've 2 ultra-hyper-uber-super-duper nice durians waiting in the kitchen for me. For I'm convinced neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be to separate me from those 2 lovely spikeballs.

Oh yes, I've brought me new camera out for a spin today. Not bad not bad at all.. :)

Altogether now..
"Show us the ancient paths.."
What chord is that?
Killer stare..(Not me, Shalom)
Caught in the act!!!
That's one happy drummer
Yes, we've changed service
12x zoom = paparazzi
Our lovely abode
Million rupiah smile..
And that's about it folks! :)

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