Friday, February 18, 2005

Much Ado About Nothing..

That kinda sums up my blog entry for today. It's very much the calm before the storm, specifically the laziness before the holidays. Feeling terribly lazy off late, but doesnt mean I sit happy on my bottoms warming my chair, I'm actually doing lots! Just nothing related to my schoolwork thats all. 2nd Meeting over tonight, and boy am I excited bout what's gonna come my way. A little introduction (and advertisement), I'm actually involved in an ECA called "Touch of The Hearts" a.k.a TOTS. I'm serving as the Vice-Chairperson in that ECA. Yeah, I'm the vice of the chairperson, her evil twin! (lame)

We're actually planning for this HUGE event sometime in June/July, whereby we'll be breaking a Guinness World Record for the Largest Human Rainbow formed. All for Charity! Yeah!! Two thumbs up for humanly-love! Can read more bout our adopted beneficiary "Club Rainbow Singapore" here!. We're aiming at 15,000-20,000 participants from around the Island, all eager to be part of this meaningful event! It'll be cool, not to mention totally awesomely grand. Or so we hope. Lots of plans made, and execution underway!

1 more day of school before the break! It is, in very nature, as it's named. Its going to be a "MAKE or BREAK" week. Typing this phrase alone gives me the creeps, simply reminds me of the tremendously uphill task and effort I've to put in for the remainder of the semester. Sigh.. But for now, I've got an exciting meeting to look forward to tonight, Jurong Bird Park on Sat, Secell RA day on Sunday, Marina South steamboat on Mon! Yikes that leaves me with just Tues to study before I boat to Bintan.. Now you know why it's an uphill task for me to MAKE the break. *pulls hair*

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