Saturday, April 23, 2005

Be A Man.. Do The Right Thing

2 papers down, 3 more to go. 11 more days to freedom.
I'm not much of a statistician, but these numbers mean a lot to me. Have some things I look forward to after the exams. The nice thing about going through exams is that it kinda puts this hope in front of you. Like a low wall that you have to cross over to find that treasure on the other side? I kinda get that feeling right now, but the motivation to cross the low wall well is a tad low this weekend.

My laptop got diseased on thurs, just before my friday papers. I'm the type of "gadget geek, neat freak" person and I can't stand viruses or spywares lurking about on my computers. So i spent quite a fair bit of time attempting to clean up my system before hitting the books again. After my morning paper on friday, I went back to spend the rest of the day cleaning it up. Well, theorectically its clean now, but in the process I've lost some precious files, so my Internet Explorer and MediaPlayer doesnt work no more. Will probably have to fix it up AFTER the exams again. See? Everything you want to do HAS to be pushed to AFTER the exams.. *sigh*

I'm soooo looking forward to the holidays, though I might get into some hard times. Rough and tough it out, sort out my thoughts, make some decisions and more resolution. I have had many bombs dropped on me in my entire life, just dun want another one to fall on me. Not again. So for now, I'll just hafta tell myself..
"Be A Man.. Do The Right Thing"

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