Saturday, April 16, 2005

To Serve or Study?

I'm at home once again, despite my resolution a few weeks back that I'll be staying in Hostel to study. Came back home this week because I'll be taking over singing for Mel for 17th April, so I'll need to be in church for practice on Saturday. Was thinking, since I'll be out for Saturday noon cos of practice, might as well be around for ESL meeting on Friday night at David's place. And so, here I am.. back home again after the meeting + prata supper.

Can I say what I think? It was a struggle to decide whether to take over Mel for singing, took me 3 mins to make up my mind. This semester happens to be the
toughest semester of the (most will agree) toughest course in NTU, so it's a pretty bad equation for me. I'm normally not the kind that will worry bout exams, but I'm just honestly hoping to pass all and get this academic year done and over with. Gosh, I've really got soooooooo much to look forward to after the exams they make my heart skip a beat, for a good reason. But as for now, perseverance will have to pull me through and of cos the grace of God. I can't count the number of minutes I've spent praying over the last week for just about everything going on in my heart. There's so much I want to say, do and sometimes even sing but I can't.. If God has His ears on a cellphone for prayers, I think they'll be sore from mine. Thank You Lord for hearing me out, and being the only One most of the time.

You know? I only burst out in poetic shorts when I'm emotional. Haha.. for all the poems I've put up here, believe me I had made lots more in prayer. Yes, I do pray in poems, ryhmes and song to God. :) Wanted to write another poem tonight after driving home, but I've got to study study study. Okie, how bout just a short one? Hehe.

Looking afar, ahead, a long road to tread
I'll brave it all, I'll take the first step
Deaf to all but your sweet song, perhaps I might just find where I belong..

-Ding Dong Dan

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