Thursday, December 29, 2005

Staying With It

Once again, thank you to Joey for showing me the excerpt from today's article in "Our Journey", similar to Daily Bread devotional material. I'm greatly blest, and I really can't thank you enough. I'll highlight the important lines in red.

1 Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. Hebrews 12:1-3

A few years ago my daughter Libby ran the Chicago Marathon. I was so proud of her for training and staying with it. Needless to say, my wife Martie and I showed up to cheer her along and meet her at the finish line with camera flashing and flowers in hand. Watching her run kindled my interest in marathons—those massive, grueling 26.2-mile endurance tests. As I took in the event that day, I noted that friends along the way threw towels to the runners and gave them cups of water to drink. It became apparent that companions were essential to the runners’ success.

It’s like that with perseverance. You can’t run the marathon of life without it. Especially in difficult times.

It’s no wonder that the author of Hebrews wrote to his readers, who were under severe pressure: “Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (12:1). The race marked out for them was like an obstacle course. It required that they run in spite of rejection, loss of friends, economic difficulty, and daily persecution. Perseverance would need to be their indispensable companion.

In the original Greek language, the word perseverance literally means “to remain under.” Perseverance is the ability to stay under the pressure of our difficulty with a steady spirit until God has finished his work.
We usually want to squirm out from under the pressure . . . to be done . . . to hurry the sunshine.

But God intends that in time we will blossom under pressure. We can imitate Jesus, “the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God” (v.2).

Perseverance gives God time to do his work and prepares us for the future.

Joe Stowell —Joe Stowell

Seeking: Father, how have you encouraged me to remain under your wisdom and power today? What are you asking me to do?

Responding: What are the pressure points in my life right now? • What will I do to persevere through these challenges? • How will I reach out to God and seek his strength?

"Father, life can be so difficult at times. Teach me to persevere in your strength and not my own. Please show me the way to a resilient faith that will not buckle or fade away."

Following: Perseverance leads to a deeper faith in God.

I like this.. perseverance in Greek literally means "to remain under", until God finishes with us.. so leave me alone stupid cupid!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Junction8 Day

Today is declared Junction8 day, not becos I spent 7 hours there, but a lot of people were there today! I was at J8 in the morning, then went to Suntec to meet the guys in the early afternoon and hung around til late afternoon. I returned to J8 for dinner on the way home, but too bad Karen's movie group had left by the time I arrived.

Met up with Joey and Rachel who were the remnant of a whole bunch of people from church who visited J8 (at different times for different purposes). They had a late lunch, so they werent really hungry and I had a super stomachache from a cup of capuccino in the morning, so we postponed dinner a bit and sat down at the playground in the open air area instead. We had a heart to heart sharing and it was really really nice talking to them both. For once, I felt I was sharing to friends, rather than cell members (whom I always have to be very dignified towards). Its rare that I find myself opening up to anyone, much less people whom I give advice to, 99% of the time. We talked and talked, and the 2 of them took turns to cry over different reasons. They enjoy it lah, when it's crying out from the heart and not cos someone punched you or something. I'm thankful for the trip to meet them both, cos it's really once in a blue moon I ever have time to talk like that, and with such wonderful souls. We should really do that some time again!

Yanquan suddenly popped up from nowhere at about 7.30pm! It was a pleasant surprise more than anything really, cos he's a really dear friend of mine and it's always nice to see him around. Didn't have much chance to chat though, cos he had to rush off to study with his friend. A pity the library wasnt up yet, but what the heck you doing in Bishan so far away from home man? Joey, Rach and I took a half time break from sitting on the playground floor yakking becos Joey suddenly craved for the Shilin chicken downstairs. We bought the chicky, some drinks and went back up to the playground to continue our very fruitful conversation. Before we knew it, it was 9pm and time for Joey to return home. I then walked Rachel to her house and went up to use her toilet, after tahaning for quite a while now. Checked out her house, and stayed there for a little while talking with auntie Lei Sun about ministry stuff. I really like doing stuff like these! Not so much cos I kay-poh, wanna see ppl's homes. But becos I enjoy visiting people, talking to people and encouraging one another (not one way from me all the time also lah). It's nice knowing people from their homes, cos that's where their hearts often are and you can know them so much better that way. I should think I will become a pastor one day :)

Thinking back on meeting those 2 wonderful ppl this evening, I think this evening has very much been one of my best evenings of the year. Godsend! Joey and Rachel if you two are reading this, I've seen you 2 grow up somewhat and I'm really glad for how you both have matured through the years. And for today, together with the many years ahead, I truly thank God for you both! Thank you.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Narnia explained

Yesterday, I got to watch Chronicles of Narnia organised by Shalom with Zihan, Joey, Rachel, Rochelle, Manna, Tim, Nat and Algene. I had no idea what the overall storyline was like, but I know there'll be a parallel drawn between Christianity and the story. As I sat there and watch, bits and pieces of the story became clear to me that they were extracted from the bible, as C. S. Lewis had intended them to be. Honestly, I almost teared watching the show. It's quite a fantastic show really. For those who intend to catch Narnia, don't read any further cos there are SPOILERS ahead. :)

The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe was written by C.S. Lewis to help people better understand the meaning of Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. Even though he was a university professor, Lewis wrote this delightful story in the simplicity of a children’s story. Lewis’ life had been transformed by Jesus and he wanted others to share in that experience.

The story is about the four Pevensie children, who enter through the door of a “wardrobe” into the wonderful world of Narnia. The two girls are called “the daughters of Eve,” and the boys are called “sons of Adam,” just as we all are. Humans are all descendants of Adam and Eve. These four children represent what is good and not-so-good in each of us.

LUCY - Queen Lucy the Valiant
Lucy is the youngest of the four Pevensie children. She is always kind, cheerful, and very brave. She is the first of the children to venture into Narnia. She is very optimistic, the exact opposite of her skeptical brother Edmund. She is an example of compassion, which means putting others first. This selflessness is demonstrated when Lucy makes a special drink to heal the wounded who fought the Witch’s troops.

SUSAN - Queen Susan the Gentle
Susan is the second-oldest child. She and her sister are called “the daughters of Eve.” Her beauty is derived from her sweet kindness. Like her sister, Lucy, Susan uses what is given her to help others.

EDMUND - The Willful Brat
Edmund is the third-oldest Pevensie child. He is a mean, spiteful brat who enjoys teasing his sister Lucy. He is an example of how sinful greed, in this case for the enchanted Turkish Delight, leads one down a very destructive path. He joins forces with the evil White Witch and betrays his own brother and sisters. He represents all of us in our drift away from God. Fortunately, he eventually changes his ways and is forgiven.

PETER - High King of Narnia
Peter is the oldest. He and his brother are termed “the sons of Adam.” He is noble and courageous. He protected his sister Susan from a fierce wolf at the risk of his own life. With his good character, he quickly matures into a young man in Narnia. King Aslan rewards him by crowning him “King Peter the Magnificent!” He represents the wonderful image of God that we are all born with.

There was also a part where the leader of the wolves told him,"Go back! This is not your fight. Leave Narnia and you'll be safe." To me, it was a representation of Satan's temptation of the Son of Man (Jesus). The humanity of Jesus would certainly feel that it was not His fight, and it would be so much easier to abandon the path of suffering He needed to tread down in comparison to a long life of prosperity. But Jesus didn't waver and He stood His ground, as did Peter.

THE WHITE WITCH - The Evil Queen of Narnia
The White Witch is very evil and represents Satan. She places a spell on the land so that it is always winter (a symbol of death). She prevents Christmas (a symbol of Christ’s arrival). The Witch is the “Emperor’s hangman,” using her wand to turn creatures and people to stone. She also produces the delicious Turkish Delight treat (which represents sin and its appeal). Through it she enslaves Edmund and transforms him into a greedy, voracious boy.

ASLAN - The Noble Lion King
Firstly, "Aslan" means Lion in Turkish. Aslan the lion is the king and god of Narnia, and he represents Jesus Christ - the Lion of Judah. He sacrifices his life so that the White Witch will spare Edmund. And he said this,"Fortunately, the witch doesnt know the true meaning of sacrifice". The very thing Jesus did for us all. The next morning when he is resurrected, having overpowered death, he defeats the White Witch once and for all.

The Stone Table represents the stone tablets that contained the Ten Commandments, which God gave to Moses. It was part of the old set of promises between God and his people, a relationship based on law-keeping, with harsh penalties for disobedience. When Aslan is resurrected from death, the Stone Table is shattered, bringing an end of the former age and the birth of a new era based on grace, forgiveness, and restoration. The creatures and people who had been turned to stone were made alive again. Aslan defeated death, making forgiveness and new life available to all.

The Important Connection
Although the story of Narnia has many similarities to the story of Jesus, there are also some differences. For example, Aslan sacrificed his life to save only Edmund. But Christ gave His life to save everyone. Aslan takes on the punishment for Edmund’s sin so that Edmund can live. Christ came so that all might be free from sin and experience eternal life with God.
Adapted from

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Youth Camp 2005

It has been about 38 hours since Youth Camp 2005 ended now, and it's now a bitter sweet feeling of missing yet relief. No joke, but this camp has been my most tiring one to date and no surprise for that. I was almost everywhere the camp was involved in, Chun Xiang being my saving grace for handling the food with such flair I could keep my mind off it completely. But at the end of each long day, catching sleep on the cold hard floor was perpetually impossible. Still, it was a good camp, made only possible by the most supportive of committee members and most wonderful bunch of enthusiastic campers. I really believe everyone who was there made a difference in the camp, and without them the camp would never have been the same!

I shalln't go through with the programmes, unlike my normal entries, I'll just pen my thoughts down instead. The run up to the camp was rather hasty, not everything was done quickly enough but thank God the committee was really capable in their own rights and jobs. I haven't been feeling 100% for quite awhile now, and my confidence hasn't been too fantastic either, for a couple of reasons I won't disclose here. But everyone heard my testimony on the 2nd night, I really felt a like a complete failure just before the camp. I brushed that thought aside and pressed on, my motivation being a hope of wanting to make the camp special for everyone in it. I didn't hold back, I brushed aside every other agenda and I pulled through. For those whose lives were changed one way or another through the camp, your success is as good as mine and my joy will be complete.

The turnout for the camp has really been fantastic, the largest number ever. To be honest, when I was doing the initial calculation for groupings, I had estimated a number of 40-45 people max inclusive of leaders. But everyone was just so enthusiastic in finding time to come for the camp, even if it was just for a day.. and the numbers averaged 57 in the camp at any point of time. We even had to create another group just before the camp to accomodate everyone! It's not the numbers that count, but the fact that 50 plus changed lives going back to the ministry with a common vision is extremely powerful, especially for the vision of the upcoming year.

For those who encountered God, especially for the first time, I'm really really glad for you because I know how far that will bring you. And if you keep pressing in on God, you'll have much much more in the not too distant future! It was the same for me, and the people before me, and it'll be no different for you cos our God is a faithful God!

My only regret from this camp was my inability to maintain a big picture of the running of the camp, whilst zooming in onto the individuals that actually make up the camp. I wished I had a programme IC to actually ensure the programme timetable so I could take care of the campers in a more intimate manner. But in the end, it was them who really made the camp special for me instead. As I waved them from the Campsite gate, watching their backs carrying their heavy bags disappearing behind the bending road, my heart sank and I knew the good times would become a sweet memory for the next one year that is to come.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

The formal "classroom" shot

The "Fishing Style" shot

The "Look holy my own way" shot

The "be yourself" shot.
And me saying,"Why so many pictures? Hungry leh.."

The "distracted" shot

The "crazy" shot

The "crazy" shot retaken. James covered my face the first time round.
I took precautions this time, so I booted Jon before he blocks me.

The "I want my Oreoooooooooo" shot

Mighty "Dags" Group

No stranger to winning, "Piscis" Group

Closely-knit "Ichthus" Group

The ever bubbly "Nun" Group

Saturday, December 10, 2005

"Who're we talking about?"

Quite tired now anyway.. Its been a terribly long week and more to come. Watched Chicken Little for the 2nd time (on laptop) with Karen and Chunxiang after working til night at Church for Youth Camp. Ahh man, its so cute I won't get tired of it. Another time of good laughs again. My favourite character is Fish Outtawater btw, he kinda reminds me of myself, just that he's super much cuter. We like to do funny stuff, generally calm and have little fear for anything. Okie why am I talking about Chicken Little anyway? Oh yes.. "Who're we talking about?" That's a commonly used phrase when characters in the show wanna change the subject of conversation. It sounds funny just to hear them say it. Just seems ultra out of point.

Ah, 6 more days to youth camp. I was supposed to do a sample for James' publicity this Saturday to show him my idea, but I ended up having so much fun doing it I finished it anyway. Ya, I do until high.. Took me 4 hours til 3am to do from scratch, but I like to do this kinda things anyway. Here's a little something of what James did for publicity:

I saw this pretty cool billabong leather wallet on the net. Should I buy? Any concerns if white is girlish? In my opinion not so, but I'm open to votes! :)

Sunday, December 04, 2005

So wrong..

I just caught the last bit of Star Awards tonight. I saw the bit where Christopher Lee went up to collect his Top 10 Most Popular Male artiste award, and the fans started chanting "Propose! Propose! Propose!". Of cos it was directed at Christopher Lee, urging him to propose to Fann Wong. Christopher, quickly brushed the crowd aside, saying that he would be the first to announce if any proposal was successful.

And suddenly, Zoe Tay popped out from behind and grabbed a mic on stage, further urging Christopher Lee to propose. She got pretty pushy and just mounted immense pressure on him to propose, saying that he told her he had a surprise coming on stage before the show. Obviously, the guy was not ready to propose then and Fann Wong got so embarrassed she zipped out of the studio. My goodness, this is so wrong.. This got me thinking, being a couple with eyes watching your relationship's progress sure isnt easy. The kind of pressure people put on these poor folks. Please!! Such things are a private affair. I don't think making someone propose in front of a live TV audience, or millions of viewers, is gonna make him appear more loving. Poor Christopher, I was pretty sure I saw his angered, deep blush beneath his tanned appearance tonight.


Pastor Mark was giving the briefing for Celebrate Christmas In Singapore (CCIS) programme in Orchard on 25th Dec today after service. Quite exciting! Rachel and Joey sitting next to me kept whining and complaining that they didn't know what he was talking about. Found out today that I was appointed to be some team leader of the day. Went to ask Willy what was my jobscope and he said,"We haven't decided yet." WHAT?! Wonder if I will get the collared T-Shirt instead then? A bit extra lah.

I got to wear "old shirts" both yesterday and today when I went out. Not really old I guess, about 2-3 years ago, but I havent worn them for long long time. Main thing was becos my shape didn't allow me to look good in them. I tried them on late last week and they fitted! Well, at least I dun look swollen in them, so I finally managed to wear them. One of them was given by YanQuan and Tommy about 2 years ago, and I've never worn it out before. I'm down to 70kg from 74kg, hope to hit 65kg some time (quite impossible, unless I go out on missions for awhile). Anyway, the routine push ups and sit ups have been pretty effective. Now I know what Philip has been talking about man, haha. Okie, going for a run later too but quite boring to run alone. Then again, I rather run alone than to run with the likes of Philip who will leave me far far behind.

A few of the youth camp committee members went for final recee today. Really thank God for the weather man, cos the skies were super dark as we approached Changi. But we prayed and God held back the rain. Not just that, but the chalet was occupied.. by a nice group of youngsters who let us in! My goodness, you really can't tell the size of the chalet from the outside man. I mean, we had expected it to be bigger than last year's one, but not that much bigger! It's huge!! I shalln't spoil the surprise anyway. We ended up at Jalan Kayu for sumptuous dinner, which explains why I need to go for a run later too. Haha!

Shutter Part II.. Haha

To the lovely folks soon to be at SR camp, have a most blessed week! Take care of ur healths, and dun fall sick. May God bless the children mightily through the works of your hands!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Ups and Downs

Couldn't find a more appropriate title for my entry this time in the week. Certainly has been a week of ups and downs! Somethings happened over the course of the week that sparked off some hope. A small hope it was, but kinda like lighted matchstick in a dark room - sticks out like a strand of white hair on a baby. It was a really nice feeling of hope, as surreal as it had seemed to be haha. Well, that l'il fire was kinda put out pretty quick and that got me thinking again. I'm not much of a firestarter in the first place, I cant start fires. Yes, quite hopeless at that. But I catch fire pretty quick though. Not a good thing, for me at least. Haha.. Now, that I think about it, the good thing about this week was that I got to clear some things off my chest I had held out for months, and through it all I think I've made a better friend! At least I hope so. :)

Anyway, that 5 random facts about me thingy. Alright, my turn:

1) I like to perform, speak and entertain. Dun ask me why, I think it's in my genes. My mum said I was a freak of a baby, cos I had started talking when I was 8 months old and picks up speaking real quick. I remember my parents had this old little radio that could record on cassette tapes. When I was five, out of curiosity, I learnt the record function myself and I recorded a 2 person conversation by myself. I think it was between a girl, and a boy trying to ask her to help him buy something. I don't have much chances to do performances now though, been awhile since I last acted, or hosted any concerts for the matter. Been spending too much time in church getting people to do them instead. Haha

2) I love the arts. Musicals, operas, movies, dances and anything aesthetically splendid is quite my cup of tea. I'm not musically talented but I love music. Not those loud bang bang type though, I was quite a fan of 92.4FM (if you young ones even know what that is). Anyway I picked up the Saxophone during my JC days, though I haven't touched one since then either. I love drawing, since I was a kid too. Almost topped my secondary school for Arts in ACS(I), in still life. Lost to my then bestfriend in school, by 1 mark overall despite beating his final exam piece. Hence I have a thing for graphics too, and is quite icky picky about designs. Oh yes, I almost wanted to skip JC to go to an Arts School!

3) An interesting fact might be that I can't swim (well). Basically, put me in a olympic size swimming pool and watch me drown trying to swim to the other side without touching the floor. My main problem is breathing in between the strokes, but I never really got down to getting it right either. Ooops.. I remember I kinda freaked out once in Sec 1, when David wanted to bring me out about 40m from the beach shore on a float. Jon Wong was worse off then though, his nose bled, halfway out from the shore. *mooohahahah*

4) I've a pathetically weak stomach. Feed me some weird stuff, and I'll spend my day sitting on the toilet bowl. Taking cold water, eggs or milk in the morning is like eating the Fruit on the tree-of-knowledge-of-good-and-evil, I will surely die. There's a long list of things my stomach doesnt fancy, but peach tea was the most recent case so I remember that one pretty well. Shalom best, go and turn my peach tea into bubble tea somemore.

5) I've never had a girlfriend! 23 years old and still going strong (like real). Quite a debatable topic lah, my NTU good friends would be like asking me to try this, try that. And erm, I've had many comments about my sexual preference. For the record, I AM NOT GAY!!! I know I'm not much of a sniper, one shot one kill, but I would really like my first girlfriend to be my FINAL girlfriend.
I don't think its worth getting through MANY relationships when you only intend to have ONE life partner. Then again, some might say that I'm being too traditional or conservative. But I think it's a pretty cool thing for my wife to know that she's my first and last (machiam alpha and omega). Not sure if girls think likewise though.. Scully all think I'm retarded. :(

Okie I'm obligated to make 5 people do this test too. So the nominations are:
2)Manna (yes yes, the rotting one)
5)Mel-anie (no more mcdonalds plzz!)

Ah yes, my new Oakley sunglasses arrived on Thurs! Polarized one. Meaning the lenses reduce the glare from reflections (off glass and water) and also makes the skies look clearer! I like it!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

With the boyz

Went Johor today with the guys. Really funny time I had. Okie, it's rather late and my nocturnal demi-angel reminded me to sleep early again, so I shall pretty quickly wrap up this post. :)

"Are we there yet?! ARE WE THERE YET?!?!?!"

"Why we stop here? Why you no white card? WHY WHY WHY?!?!?"

Philip our very "hiong" driver. No give way one..

*GASP*! The ghost of Felix that haunts the City Square carpark

Hungry ghost tries to hide his uber obvious presence

Seasons' Cafe is actually owned by Swensons. See the menu!

Anyone wants to visit Singapore? Thats my next tour destination man..

Giant Earthquake that only costs us $2.50 each!!! WAT THE..

The tweety bird i almost wanted to buy back.
But decided no use for it, so at least take one photo first..

I tried to take secret photos inside the cinema.
But the forgot to off the flash. Diaooooo..

Ahhh.. more secretive now. Shhh..

Indian man happily driving his bus..

Suddenly steps on the brake pedal..!!


Noticed the big head in front blocking my movie yet?

Cocolulu. No idea what it means but the guys thought it was cool.

My favourite pokemon 6 years ago.
Sucker for cute things mah, what to do..

The jam.. Thank God our driver quite "hiong".. Haha

Sunday, November 27, 2005

My First Letter!

Do you folks still remember I once wrote about my sponsored child in Brazil? Well, I managed to write a letter to him awhile ago and I got his first reply! Actually, not much of a reply cos it was writtened and replied FOR him rather than FROM him. But he drew a cute little picture for me about a fruit tree under the bright sun, with him, his mother and sister. Uploaded the pics below so you can click on them to see it large and of cos to read the reply that was written in his place. :)

I'm gonna draw him a pretty pic in response (yes, yes I can draw), and send a photo of myself too. Hmm, gotta get a photo printed soon. Hehe

Friday, November 25, 2005

Let the fun begin!

My exams are over at long last. I haven't been studying for such a long continuous period since O' levels man. Back during the O's I spent 5 weeks studying til the last week of my exams, and this semester I spent 6 weeks studying until the last paper! Almost at the end of my stamina for my last paper, but should be fine in the end. Hehe..

Man, I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that I really know how to enjoy myself, either that or I'm just easily contented. During those tedious days of revising, practising exam papers and memorizing, I was watching "Whose Line Is It Anyway" everyday (I've 9 seasons worth of it), and a galore of movies. Now that my exams are over, it means I've technically less time to watch movies, and on to the more important stuffs. I quite foresee my December packed with church activities til Jan, which is excellent! I've so many ideas I hope to see through, and definitely have got to make time for the people around me for all the time I owe them during the exams. Also to catch up with old friends and some youths who haven't been attending church for some time now. So exciting..

One of the movies I managed to catch during the exams was "Chicken Little", whose soundtrack you're listening to now. Yes it's that cute fluffy feathery puny body, gigantic head chick movie. It's really an immensely cute show, putting your adulthood aside. I'm a sucker for cute things what, can't blame me. But it might not be worth catching in the theatres unless you're bringing kids along or something, cos the show is less than 70mins. If you can catch it for cheap, its definitely worth it! :)

Exactly 1 month from Christmas now. Excited excited. Wonder how the choir is coming along, it's been a couple of weeks since I've attended the practices. Should be good lah, so many talented folks in the church. It's my 23rd Christmas this year. Funny time of the year always, for me at least. Wonder what this year's Christmas would be like? Hope it doesnt pass me by before I even realize it, that's just plain sad.. like sleeping on 24th night and waking up on the 26th morning. Man!! Haha

Brought my mother's new camera (her's technically) out for a stroll today with Arjun and Philip. Met Shunjie, air force good buddy of Philip's and mine! Pleasant surprise it was. Shunjie was the number 1 trainee from our air force course, and I was number 2, which was a blessing in disguise cos I ended up being streamed into Platoon 2 - which was (in my opinion) way more FUN! Even when we suffered together, those days were really great. I wouldnt trade anything for those memories. Note: MEMORIES, cos I won't wanna go through them again though. Haha..

India r0x!

Reminds me I need a new wallet.. 0_o"

Philip, Shunjie and myself.
We served 6 months more, so dun complain!

Job satisfaction :)

"Luxurious" indeed

Pwetty flowers, but dun sniff them, stinks!

At 1/2 the price of NYDC's, but 3/4 quality.
Worth it? Work the Math.

Inside Plaza Singapura. Friday, so not really crowded lah.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

65 hours

65 hours more to end of exams! 2 more papers to go, and I'll be exam-free for the next 1 year. Mooohohohoho Merry Christmas.

I've been sick the entire weekend actually. Not a good sign especially when you're right smack in the middle of your exams with the hardest one yet to come. Been praying real hard that any sickness, shall be reserved and delayed til after my last paper. Caught a little cold on Saturday morning, went home to take some panadol pills back with me after church. I couldnt really study much on Saturday cos my "dose" (that's the best I can pronounced nose with a blocked dose) was runny and I kept sneezing. Reminds me, I'm gonna start counting (and clamping down on) the "Daniel's available" jokes made during Saturday service. The total count was 5 on Saturday. No good lah, my name gets mentioned for every message David speaks. It's bad publicity man.. :(

Managed to do some revision on Sunday morning after the bout of cold, and it was goooood. But I couldnt make it in time for choir practice anyway, though I was right on the dot in time for worship practice at 4pm. Thanks to a special nocturnal demi-angel for reminding me to sleep early btw.. those 10 hours of rest really did me plenty of good! Haha

Anyway today....... I went to buy a new camera....... for my mum. Haha! Had been sourcing for one for the last month or so, saw one that was really suitable and well-priced and actually decided on that some time back. Almost wanted to buy it but held up a little cos they ran out of stock just before my exams and I didnt wanna travel there in the midst of my exams. Guess what? The newer model was JUST released and it is selling for the SAME price as the older one. Really thank God, cos I might have just splurged on the older one a few days BEFORE the newer model was up for sale. I got myself a good deal in the end, and a pretty good cam too.

Tried some snapshots with the new cam, will have plenty of time to fool around with it after the exams. Hehehe