Monday, August 01, 2005

Gimme a week.

Oops, here it comes again. Havent had a bad day entry for quite some time already eh? Well, the lack of it on the blog doesnt mean I'm excused from bad days too. Some times I wish it were so, but there's always a cruel twist to every tale.

Been feeling down lately, almost wanted to add a "kinda" before the "down" but the feeling is tad more than "kinda" would describe it to be, so there. It's one of those days your emotions run spirals into a turbulent turmoil and you can't seem to grab it by it's tail. The stress adds to it and small irritants get magnified into crises. If I recall correctly, it came upon a starry midnight on Sunday morning, and it still lingers. This down-state feeling I mean. Might have been tempted to pop another poem about something somewhere, but time's really tight on my hands and tied down with school work, ECA's and just bout every bad dream to ponder through.

Bad sleeps follow nights when one tosses and turns on the bed, hot and humid, thinking through the world all round. Insomnia forces one to walk through the thoughts of time and space, to the past, present and a bleak future... only back to where you had started thinking to continue the cyclic journey all over again. It doesnt help early mornings are compulsory somewhat, unless lectures are skipped but it makes one feel all the more worse, left with guilt and remorse. More greens for meals, less rice for a healthier diet, going for regular exercises for a change towards a better looking me - strange, it had barely started but it feels for naught already.

Hitting 23 in just about 8 days time, with an hour more to boot the record, but I dare not hope for anything anymore. Nor to speak a word about it for the fear of a dream, as fragile as a whisper could shatter. A dream it was, and a beautiful summer dream. Alas autumn comes and the wind blew the greens into a tide of red. The silliness of youthful vigour, becomes but a chasing after the wind, as always been the story untold.

Gimme a week.

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