Sigh, really wondering how to be a good student and minister at the same time? This semester is supposedly the hardest of my 4 years and it's really showing why. Well, but then again it has been the same old story for all my years spent in church and studying simultaneously. The Lord has always given me the grades I needed despite my many hours spent in church and ECA's. Will have to work a little harder this sem though, at this rate I'm not deserving of anything.
Anywayz, 2 consecutive camps over the weekend from Sat til Mon morning. First was TOTS Kids Camp and following that was Secellite Conversion Camp. Lets see.. Okie in layman terms, I'm a youth leader in Church and serving the Secondary School group. This group is called "Secell" (pronounced as SEE-CELL), which stands for "Secondary Cell" in short. In every year we have new Sec 1 students joining us early in the year and we inaugurate them into the group via a camp called "Secellite Conversion Camp" which basically assimilates them into one of "us". Hehe.. Just realized something.. My days of being a happy camper were long over. For every camp I sign up for, I end up planning 3 or more camps. Alright enough of introductions and free adverts.
The camp was goooooood, one of the most relaxing camps I find. The secondary 4's running the camp were very capable, and I find myself able to be more at rest with regards to the programme side. Everything was well planned, well executed and all went well. Weather was good, albeit hot but we were indoor most of the time. No one got any injuries and that's a real important issue, so thank God. I guess the Sec 1's and new secellites really enjoyed the moment of it all. It was certainly tough for most of them, physically and mentally but I'm really proud of them they pulled through as a team, each and everyone of them.
Wished I had pictures to show you folks, but it's not a camp I would wanna sit back and be passive about. It's a major event in Secell calendar and I would have given my all to see it being largely a success, which it was! Quite tired by the time midnight had past though, running a 2nd consecutive camp is no joke. Ended up shopping with the secellites at Cheers for snacks and watching the camp video. Dozed off after that whilst some of them went on for the rest of the night. I was supposed to be up early on Mon morning to attend lectures but I couldnt bare to leave the whole lot of them lovelies. Skipped off with the secellites for McDonald's breakfast and took a cab to school at about 11.15am in the end. Some photos done by Marilyn so I'll borrow it for display here. Hoho..
"Me" refers to Marilyn, one of the Sec 4 seniors.

Same thing, "Me" is not me. ^^

My constipated face happened because I foresaw the flashbang coming

Masterpiece on Christine done by Marilyn

Should see Daniel Fung man. He's da MAN!!! Haha..

Light up ceremony aka Torture over already..

And so.. it's Wed midnight now by the time I find some time to type this entry. Geesh, time flies and I still have more work to finish. Argghhhhh...
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